Hey, just a quick one from Chakra Squad.
We've been a little quiet lately because we've hit some road blocks with the projects we've started, unfortunately, but fear not we have some smaller things to announce in the meantime.
We have 2 new perks coming:
Official emoticons! This perk allows you to add an emoticon to the forum that anyone can use! You can make it your clan logo, or anything you want within reason (we reserve the right to tell you to grow up and go make a new one). A caveat with this is that it needs to be of a certain quality, so we suggest that you commission an artist to do it, as the upper staff are able to deny its addition on grounds of poor quality. For reference, it should be *on par* with the current toribash emotes.

4th Lmod! This perk is not a major addition, but it's for official clans and allows them to have a 4th local moderator if they wish. This was something recently requested by Obey and I figured it'd be a decent low tier perk as a utility thing.
THE OTHER ANNOUNCEMENT WE HAVE is with regards to clan xp.
Currently your clan tops out at level 100 with no reason to continue. We hope to put in place a "prestige" system, similar to the old call of duty games, as a reference point.
Once you hit level 100, you would be able to reset to level 1, "prestige" 1.
This would carry on;
level 100 prestige 1 -> level 1 prestige 2 etc.
The idea behind this is to uncap xp as more and more clans seem to be hitting that mark. In addition, we could add bonuses for clans that have prestiged, our first thoughts were ingame icons (similar to the icon item), an indicator below clan tag on the forums and on clan descriptions etc.
It'd also give you the big peen. There are other ideas we had with regards to it that tie in with an updated clan ranking system that is currently being discussed.
It's worth noting that none of this will happen until after the forum redesign is complete as the devs are tied up and busy. So we have time to flesh out the details. As always we're open to suggestions.
One more thing; we're
not going to be raising the pass mark for official clans to 30. The current activity checks seem to be working as intended and for the most part I'm happy with them. Most clans that have a presence are passing with decent enough scores.
One more thing; we're going to be looking at perk points slightly more in depth. At the moment they are earned using exactly the same formulas as xp, however at this point they're their own currency, virtually. I'd like to look at the earnings of clans and jimmy the prices of perks accordingly.
This was spurned on because we also plan on getting rid of the tc price for becoming official and making it cost perk points. The logic was as follows:
[4:57 PM] [Tribe]Erth: TC is bitch money
[4:58 PM] [Tribe]Erth: There's no point making it TC now that pp exists imo, why do we want people to sink money away from fun things like customisation and bets and the market for a clan thing when we have a currency that's clan specific and almost a direct measure of how engaged a clan is
tl;dr because I know how you feel about long posts
> 2 new perks for forums
> clan xp is getting additional functionality (after forum overhaul)
> decision not to alter the pass mark for activity checks
> perk point overhaul including official applications costing pp not tc. Code Name Operation: Perkele (after forum overhaul)
As always, we're still looking for perk ideas so hit us up if you've got any.
I'll make a thread in the suggestions and ideas board so you feel you have somewhere specific to quickfire them.
Oh, the next activity check is also coming up on June 1st.
EDIT: also I'm thinking about getting another CS on board. If anyone is interested then now is a decent time.
Last edited by Erth; May 30, 2019 at 11:20 PM.