Weekend Bash
Original Post
Apex Legends


Fast phased and action filled!

This game is super fun if you enjoyed fortnite but hate the building and the
community, or if you're a diehard pubg elitist that are sick of
the bugs and glitches that comes with.

This game features a fresh look on how battleroyales
work, and best of all.. I'ts free!

Who's your favourite legend?
Personally I enjoy Wraith as she fits my prefered playstyle of going in and out of combat constantly.
What is your favourite? Tell us who and why in the thread!

Let me know in the thread if anyone wanna play or be added to the list

Player list:
---> cocacobra <---
Daeldir - MasterDaeldir
Pegasus - LHPegasus
16Bars- Phenarophyx
Colors - TB-MagikerN
---> Thanatos <---
Retro - xHydrione
Tyzi - xTyZi
Woeb - Woeb1

Last edited by MagikerN; Feb 14, 2019 at 07:43 AM. Reason: i love you
Real human from Event Squad! Send your applications to me <3

Mind explaining the premise of this game a little to me by any change?

May give it a go if it's highly praised.
I have been playing this too, im still noob tho
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

first battle royale that I actually liked despite being bad at it
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!

Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
add me to the list my origin id is cocacobra
i just started playing yesterday and im level 14 lol ive played probably like 20 games and only won one
i like the robot and i like bloodhound, grappling hooks make for some styling kills

I don't think it says this anywhere in the game, but you can cancel the grappling hook earlier by crouching, it's very useful for building momentum or getting to places without hitting your face against the wall and etc.

I can't choose just one character to stick with so I usually pick stuff depending on the rest of the team, if they have a bloodhound I often pick bangalore for the smokes. But most of my kills I got by playing Bloodhound and Mirage though.

Definitely the less stressful battle royale I've played in a long time. Let's see how long I can play before getting bored though.