Weekend Bash
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Need mechanical keyboard recommendations
Hey y'all, I'm looking to buy a new mechanical keyboard.

I don't really have a price range, but keep it reasonable (not looking to build a custom board atm).

Some keyboards that I've been looking at and like the look of include the ducky one 2 mini and the akko 3068; I really enjoy the aesthetic of 60% and TKL keyboards. I'd prefer if they keyboard were available on amazon as I have a gift card I'd like to use. As for switches, I'm really open to experimentation so anything new is cool, currently using cherry mx reds.


Could recommend Hyperx Alloy Elite. I own non RGB version for 2-3 years now. The price is reasonable, the quality is great and over everything the customer support is amazing. (I had little issue with one sticky button on the last month of my warranty, which was kinda my fault, and they gave me a brand new replacement free of charge).
Originally Posted by Joel View Post
Whatever u do dont get the fukn blue switches

Nothing wrong with cherry blues, the problem is all the cheap mech keyboards with knock off blues that crap out if someone next door farts too hard.

If you don't mind replacing a full set of switches & getting busy with a soldering iron cheap keyboards are viable; if not, don't touch one that doesn't have a $100+ price. "Mid range" one aren't much better than cheapos when it comes to reliability.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you

they're all the same boards if you're not looking for something specific like programmable macros or for some reason really need media keys

if you like reds and feel like you really need to switch, it'd help to know if you type super hard and mash keys, otherwise i'd stick to reds or browns (which are identical aside from the tactile bump).. definitely don't feel like you have to try new switches

either of the two keyboards you're looking into would do just fine! i have the one 2 mini and love it aside from the plastic case being pretty bendy on the bottom
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Nothing wrong with cherry blues, the problem is all the cheap mech keyboards with knock off blues that crap out if someone next door farts too hard.

If you don't mind replacing a full set of switches & getting busy with a soldering iron cheap keyboards are viable; if not, don't touch one that doesn't have a $100+ price. "Mid range" one aren't much better than cheapos when it comes to reliability.

I'd have to disagree with this, I have mechanical blues that are knockoffs of knockoffs and they are absolutely amazing. Cherry blue is the regular brand otemus are the knockoff I have otellos and they're so obscure they don't even have a wiki page I've already used them for 4 years. The only problem I had with em was that the space bar made a lot of squeaking noises out of the box so I oiled it a bit and now it's the best keyboard I've ever used. It was 25 bucks has multi colored and programmed leds and is full size. The switches definitely seem like they'll last a million strokes or more and I quite like the clickiness of the blue switch.

I wouldn't buy anything less than 100 percent keyboard because I actually like having function keys a numpad and arrow keys. Just look for the features you like in the switch, if it's compatible with cherry stems your keycap options become really good but it's not absolutely necessary if you don't plan on ever changing them. They make soldering not required swappable switch boards too now and while I haven't tried em I heard they're not bad.

So imo depends what features you want and how much bang for your buck you want. If you want ultra luxury high end though can't beat topre switches if you just want a good mechanical switch get whatever.
Last edited by sirkill1; Sep 8, 2019 at 08:06 AM.