Weekend Bash
Original Post
Toribash spam bots
How are people making spam bots to spam the forums and why are they making them? Any ideas?
Why would you like to know how?

Most of the bots are made for the scam/phishing purpose. I don't have a clue how and i don't think this is actually a thing you need to know.
Ex - Moderator of russian sections
Ex-Event squad defender
Ex-Tori Agents Sentinel
I want to know how people make bots just because I'm curious.I like to learn about programming and etc
Curiosity killed a cat. There is a lot of other things you can learn programming from. Don't waste your time on things that can theoretically harm someone
Ex - Moderator of russian sections
Ex-Event squad defender
Ex-Tori Agents Sentinel
Ah good point, we'll than closing thread, I will try to start learning how to make ROM hacks xD