Weekend Bash
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Toribash 5.44 beta (Windows/Linux, Steam)

I just made Toribash 5.44 available on beta branch on Steam.
To try it out, go to Toribash properties from your Steam library and choose "beta" branch in Betas tab.

New in 5.44:
- Global Quests (some quests have 1 TC placeholder rewards for now, don't claim them now or you won't be able to claim proper rewards later)
- Ingame notifications
- New login/register screen with referral system
- Menu optimizations (should load up faster now, /opt uilight 1 to disable UI animations)

If you find any game client related bugs, post them here and I'll send you 10k TC

Known bugs:
- Claiming a random item global quest reward shows placeholder item in transaction history instead of what you actually received
- Replay saving doesn't work - fixed
- Inventory gets stuck on empty screen after loading - fixed
- Preview item in shop, press escape, open any menu with bottom bar to get stuck in preview mode - fixed
- Navigation bar text scale is messed up on low window resolution - fixed
- Preview item in shop, press escape, start typing in search bar - game chat becomes available in preview mode - fixed
- New register/login screen is missing graphical assets - fixed
- Quest claim buttons have messed up color on hover/pressed states - fixed
- UV mapping on box bodyparts is broken - fixed
Last edited by sir; Jul 8, 2020 at 03:26 PM.
Originally Posted by Taekkyo View Post

^ 5.44

^ 5.43

Not getting that here, did you have some custom shader enabled? Transparent floor is a shader option that was added with last atmospheres update to allow atmos objects go below floor level and still be displayed, what you have there looks exactly like it.

Originally Posted by danthe4th View Post
this is just deliberately breaking the game but you can still do the store preview bug by previewing any item, pressing esc, typing on search bar without entering, click preview, press enter then typing a room name also if you try to fix it by previewing another item and pressing back, you will not be able to play single player



im not sure if this ones a bug or not but the tutorials is affected by random script,
replays also get affected if you pause it


What's the script you're running, something third party?
this one is by an accident
if you win put tb in window mode at1336 width and 768 height tb goes blank
also you cant record using gyazo while in full screen might just be on my pc tho

Not getting that here with that resolution, not sure how I can replicate it. We've been getting reports of it across different versions but that seems to be hardware dependent and thus only affecting a (small) portion of people.

Originally Posted by MariaVirgine View Post
This thing please.

Will look into it but no guarantee it'd be included with this update. Not sure why it broke again, I don't think we changed it with 5.43.

Linux build is now also available on Steam, macOS will come with stable release.
Fixed UV for textured box bodyparts, uploaded Windows build on Steam. Building and uploading Linux in an hour.
Not sure if this counts, but something about claiming daily rewards has put me at -1 notifications ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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-1.jpg (98.9 KB, 15 views)
I downloaded steam today and uploaded the beta version. I did not recieve the Onyx Pack for the God Belt Achievement but my Completed screen shows I claimed it. What are my options? Please advise.

Screen Shot

Originally Posted by Silk View Post
Not sure if this counts, but something about claiming daily rewards has put me at -1 notifications ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Looks like a bug, I'll investigate on Monday.

Originally Posted by -ian- View Post
I downloaded steam today and uploaded the beta version. I did not recieve the Onyx Pack for the God Belt Achievement but my Completed screen shows I claimed it. What are my options? Please advise.

Resolved with market squad several minutes ago, it happened because you bought some Onyx items manually from Torishop earlier before I marked that quest as completed for everyone who had at least one Onyx item.

In case you're also God Belt and did the same, please let me know.
Completed global quest list isn't updating and notification numbers are behind its icon


Is your store data updated? Looks like an issue with missing reward item data on your side, not exactly a bug.

If store data is updated and data/store.txt isn't set to read-only, paste the contents of your stderr.txt, please


Originally Posted by phish View Post


Ok, this definitely looks like you have outdated store data. Enable autoupdate, make sure store.txt isn't set to read-only, make sure you have read/write permissions on your Toribash folder (Toribash/data specifically).

Couldn't reproduce the -1 notifications count bug here, will look into it more if I can get it to happen here. Found and fixed it.
Pushed a fix that removes the "!" sign for Global Quests button when there's no completed quests to claim though.

Release is getting delayed a bit, hampa needs to get macOS version verified so standalone can finally be launched without having to disable gatekeeper.
Last edited by sir; Jul 15, 2020 at 09:09 AM.