Weekend Bash
Original Post
Toribash 5.5.1 alpha - Windows/macOS, Steam
Toribash 5.5.1 alpha 1 is now available for Windows on alpha branch on Steam.

What's new:
  • Borderless full screen mode (can be toggled in settings menu)
  • Use CTRL + ] and CTRL + [ to navigate between replays in any replay folder
  • Replays now always load with cache with opt replaycache 2 (in settings, this corresponds with "Enable" option for replay speed)
  • Replay loading with cache should be a little bit quicker now due to some backend optimizations
  • Always put window in screen center after resolution change
  • Better ghost fading with short ghosts

  • New menu gamerules now remembers last selected "start new game" option between sessions
  • Added auto focus on replay name input when saving replay
  • WIP version of new replay controls (default toggle hotkey is tab)
  • Lua draw2d hook now draws above all main game gui

Known issues:
- When loading a replay manually and navigating to next / previous replay, it may open a wrong replay (from same folder)
- When viewing replays from outside the autosave folder, fight name is empty
- New replay gui buttons don't activate/deactivate properly when viewing a replay that's originally not cached
Last edited by sir; Feb 20, 2021 at 05:29 AM.
I am very happy that toribash is being continuously improved with these updates! I see the replay panel will be changed. About this I wanted to highlight a problem (I don't know if it's just me or also other users) often I have difficulty finding the replays that I have recently saved among all those on the list, if there was the possibility to see the replays by date, it would be much more simple to find recent replays.
Toribash 5.5.1a2 is now available on alpha branch

  • Breakable grabs should no longer cause replay glitching when in multiplayer
  • Fixed replay indexes when viewing next/previous replay in custom replay folders
  • System replays (temp replay files generated by events and other menus) are ignored when going to next/previous replay
  • Fixed ghost not setting proper length/speed on mod change in multiplayer
Toribash 5.5.1a3 - Windows and macOS, Steam (alpha branch)

- Fixed a bug that could force borderless mode for windowed view
- Removed graphics reload on launch with highdpi mode on macOS
- Fixed bounty text position with highdpi mode on macOS
- Fixed a crash with requestUserAttention event raising on macOS
Toribash 5.5.1a4 - Windows and macOS, Steam (alpha branch)
- Display 3d items behind translucent world objects
- Always set replay speed to 1 on new game
- Fixed a bug that lead to flame physics still being calculated with opt particles 1
- Replay speed now affects flame speed
- Fixed a bug with replay rewinding to frame 0 before continuing to next one in auto playback mode
- Added get_camera_keyframes() lua function

Lua / GUI changes
- Display camera keyframes on replay progress bar in advanced replay gui
- Reverted UIElement:activate() and UIElement:deactivate() behavior not to affect child elements
- Fixed localization related error when opening game client as replay viewer
- Updated Tutorials:taskOptIncomplete() to hide failed mark