Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by EPOCH View Post
another shitty lil scrap thing :supri sed::supri sed::supri sed:

Seeing this is so strange because I still have that image of your 2015-16 replays in my mind lol you are extremely smooth by now and style changed a lot! I am noob when it comes to tricking and know a total of 1% of the tricktionary, but goddamnit - that thing you did at 171 frame was so freakin cool! I somehow understand ppl saying it gets boring since almost everything looks the same but I congratulate you for the execution tho.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
thank you all for the kind comments. this is the first manip ive done since like, 2016 or 2015 i think? i kinda rushed the last bits though just cause i wanted to finish this replay : sorry: either way was fun making an ukebash since i dont really do that much anymore
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fright night.rpl (522.9 KB, 65 views)
tiptoeing on marble floors

dancing with big chungus on demon time
this shit smooth like an infant's ass holy, i don't have any verdicts against this one, this a Triz0n classic for sure, i would say that i absolutely love what you did to transition into the last kick, straight up!
why r you tricking in -9? where is the flip and cork
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
Cool stuff here bud, 805 stance is one of my favorite among all the ways to get momentum, it just looks really cool, I love it. Was struggling to understand what happened from 700 to 650 but when I looked at it more times I began to like it very much, and just noticed you changed the rotation direction. Really really cool and well executed. Both hits follow the same logic by using your legs to adjust the position instead of fully relying in your arms and I love how you done it, specially the last one, it was fast and stylish plus a lot of dms.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Hi cool replay

there are a lot of sections where you do not move the tori at all and just allow the movement to play out until you arrive in another position to move from which can look jarring so I suggest filling out those areas with more subtle movements so it doesn't look so robotic; it's particularly visible in the opener and after uke is actually in the air.

the actual manip in its beginning is super clean but becomes messy pretty fast due to a lack of refinement though I will admit ghosting the foot through the arm to push it is actually pretty cool, even if the arm flick could have been considerably more powerful

his foot slams against your shoulder and slows him down and this looks less like an intentional part of the manip and more like you couldn't get out of the way but you recover from it nicely

the way you contract your knee around his arm is completely mistimed and I think it looks sorta ugly, but the dms are cool if underoptimized and uke grab is sorta cheating but not really since I think it's kinda cool

The inclusion of disqualification is a weird one because I don't think it particularly changes anything about the replay since you already did such safe movement it's only noticed after the fact as presumably a quick way of ending the replay, not necessarily a pro or a con just an observation. but the way you spin at the end is pretty stylish

I think it is worth adding though that the hook you go for is actually from a difficult angle and is worthy of some praise even if it is slightly wasteful
Last edited by tabby; Oct 24, 2023 at 01:50 PM.
DAmn that's one of the smoothest replays I've seen. Good destruction and the mid-air pose was super cool too. Awesome stuff broooo
Originally Posted by EPOCH View Post
thank you all for the kind comments. this is the first manip ive done since like, 2016 or 2015 i think? i kinda rushed the last bits though just cause i wanted to finish this replay : sorry: either way was fun making an ukebash since i dont really do that much anymore

the new gen bananas

this shit crazy
spar with haku my beloved friend :s leepy::supri sed::supri sed:
also thanks for the kind comments
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haku_sparr.rpl (481.4 KB, 46 views)
Last edited by xmas; Jan 23, 2024 at 04:09 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
tiptoeing on marble floors

dancing with big chungus on demon time