Weekend Bash
you very relaxed and all but you grab a lot

but you connect your hits very nicley and i think you have what it takes :3
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
I'll give it a shot

Attached Files
iPingu_ukeflipmadman.rpl (162.4 KB, 25 views)
iPingu_manipdecap.rpl (80.3 KB, 23 views)
iPingu_walksplit.rpl (71.3 KB, 22 views)
[o]|ORMO|Replay thread!
Last edited by Chartle; Tomorrow at 13:37 AM..
you are very good

but i would like to see a new decap cause that decap is stiff,sloppy,and not that much power to it :v
Ishi4admin Wh-ORMO
Originally Posted by iPingu View Post
I'll give it a shot
Last edited by iPingu : Tomorrow at 13:37 AM.

Let him in or we'll get killed by the 1337 h4x. :<
Regarding Swooya, i think he should be in, i see potential.

Also, get the heck in, Pingu, and arm yourself with a title. :U
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol