Will he accept TC over pay of course. also if this is legit tell SIR to make the post and the link to donate.
Not likely
None of this was a legitimate attempt to raise money I just thought it'd be interesting to see how people react to the information, however he did indeed once tell me that he'd consider it but only for 10k as it's such a stupid amount of work to achieve or something
PM/DM me on discord or forums under the username: Death29
Hence the reason if this ever happened I wouldn't be the holder, like before when I was saying it'd have to be sir but that just looks like begging etc
It's likely this will never happen, it's just a fun thought
PM/DM me on discord or forums under the username: Death29
itd probably take 35 years after the money was collected for it to be implemented u guys gotta tap into the world of indiegogo/kickstarter and such crowdfunded projects
That was really bad sorry.
Someone tell me why this guy is highly respected by some people ???