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Ukebashers, that i think are cool
This is an update on my list of favorite ukebashers, over the past 2 years or so, i've spent my time procrastinating and basically digging through the whole replay thread from recent years, to as far as the late 2000s, and i could confidently say, my taste in ukebashing has evolved, i've broadened my horizons, and i've learned to appreciate the older works of art that i used to have a hard time understanding why it was good at the current time said ukebasher made their replays, and i would like to emphasize that this isn't a tier list where i would be ranking these players, its just my own personal opinion on ukebashers, that i think are cool, and yeah i'll be linking my personal favorite replays out of all the players i mention.

The ones that really influenced my current play style, has to be (not in any order):Those are the players that i've looked up to for the longest, the ones that really jump started my single player journey, they really got me hooked to the pseudo-realism type of movement which i've come to know and love, they're definitely my favorites for obvious reasons, but theres a longer list of players that i've found to either have a few replays that got me in a trance seeing them, or their whole replay catalouge would just be an underground gem mine that barely anyone talk about, and i would definitely say most of them are pretty underrated (probably because they don't touch the game anymore and most of their replays were made back in the 2010s), but the few players that stand out have to be Pulse, Kiza, Private, eazi, Dscigs, Spirals, fudgiebalz, Murcinary

The first time seeing their replays especially i was like "why haven't i've seen them before", although eazi, Pulse, and Dscigs are household names in the ukebashing scene, they never really stuck to me at first glance, but other than them, here are the other replay makers that i've come to love after my degenerate web surfing sessions looking for them, not to say they're not as good as the players i've mentioned before them:Thats about it for now, some of these players may take some time for you to truly appreciate their replays, especially the older ones, i see them as an acquired taste, let me know about your list of ukebashers that you think are cool!
Last edited by Toad; Oct 31, 2024 at 01:17 AM.
based, seeing all these names zapped me back into my doomer days where I spent a good 8 years crawling through the forums like you did
Originally Posted by Toad View Post
am i cooked ;_;

yeah u put epoch there that's just hilarious
the fame monster✰she/her✰s tier in /tttt/✰
dancing with my dogs past my bedtime
cool list
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
Originally Posted by Toad View Post
Thats about it for now, some of these players may take some time for you to truly appreciate their replays, especially the older ones, i see them as an acquired taste, let me know about your list of ukebashers that you think are cool!

epoch ? ? ?
i still have nicolas135 on facebook lol
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
im actually the best ukebasher but I dont wanna embarrass ppl who have been maining it so I am very modestly hiding all my ukebashing replays and not sharing them