My favourite Glimpsed ukebash replay is Confetti. I know it's a really random pick, but I remember seeing it in a concon video and ever since then I've always really liked the idea of single hits that have different DMs across different sections of uke (in this case the chest and elbow). I do it in a lot of replays

There was a collab with pusga where I did what I just described in the opener, it was an elbow-knee dm hit but we ended up dropping the replay because it wasn't that fun to work on. Stole the idea from Glimpsed
Attached Files
Confetti.rpl (134.3 KB, 11 views)
hg33h.rpl (447.0 KB, 11 views)
Originally Posted by Toad View Post
akshually, i've done it myself, i usually do poses in replays that don't have them in my spare time

ah my work has been completed, splendid
Originally Posted by tabby View Post
My favourite Glimpsed ukebash replay is Confetti. I know it's a really random pick, but I remember seeing it in a concon video and ever since then I've always really liked the idea of single hits that have different DMs across different sections of uke (in this case the chest and elbow). I do it in a lot of replays

There was a collab with pusga where I did what I just described in the opener, it was an elbow-knee dm hit but we ended up dropping the replay because it wasn't that fun to work on. Stole the idea from Glimpsed

oh damn I wasn't aware of this influence, and you did the concept even crazier than me. I agree that those types of dms are awesome, accentuates the speed of the strike as it just slices through joints

Also that replay was a pretty pivotal one because it pretty much when I started grasping "flow", I relaxed all and just kept things moving in the direction my momentum was already going, with very minimal changes. It wasn't anything crazy at all but I remember being hyped at how smooth that looked
Last edited by Glimpsed; Nov 5, 2024 at 07:43 PM.
would like to say a good number of my replays have been made while LP'd as a prolific ukebasher, namely tamer0

why tamer0 in particular I couldn't tell you, I'm not necessarily the biggest fan of his replays, something about his tori just makes me move different man
part of the uri-nation rateyourmusic
you clean your ears with a toothpick while listening to explosive diarrhea blood rectum metal
I really enjoyed when Jaker would do those videos with r4ff.

I remember going a little crazy watching him Butterfly kick to a dubstep drop.
|Free Agent|

Originally Posted by Study View Post
I really enjoyed when Jaker would do those videos with r4ff.

I remember going a little crazy watching him Butterfly kick to a dubstep drop.

that jaker replay really stood the test of time, it's crazy how it continued to be one of the smoothest tricking replays and 'the' bkick replay indefinitely