I really loled about that...

yeah sometimes ellbows are frustrating... i hate it when I want to "pull" them to dm and my pecs or wrists break T_T
▼ [CW] ▼ [OoT] ▼ [OLDA] ▼ [some more stuff I can't remember... ♥ [Addicted]
Elbows are usually pretty easy to dismember, as long as you hit from the right direction. If you hit it "with" the axis, it's pretty much impossible to dismember without a RAGEPOWAR attack, but if you hit it on top, below or behind, it will snap pretty easily. A relaxed elbow is, of course, harder to bork than a held elbow, but the same things apply: don't hit with the axis, hit against it.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Hit it below the bicep, not above the triceps if possible. Not sure if it's easier but it works for me.