Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by epoch View Post
another scuffed replay for the same tourney thing. aalmost didnt post this because of how bad it is but thought fuck it . thank u for the comments.

Opener is smooth and cute
weird cute little pop trick
bkick is butter
trick after is wacky but nice
knee into vsh was beaut
swingthrus are nice too. ggs epoch another banger
Originally Posted by epoch View Post
another scuffed replay for the same tourney thing. aalmost didnt post this because of how bad it is but thought fuck it . thank u for the comments.

im scared to get in trouble for saying something, so good replay keep it up!!!
(your bad)
smallestmothgirls I #free akina plase
Originally Posted by EPOCH View Post
another scuffed replay for the same tourney thing. aalmost didnt post this because of how bad it is but thought fuck it . thank u for the comments.

I really like that spinny thing



we are better than you
nice replay i like the part when you did the spin i think
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar
opener was smooth, i appreciate how you transitioned smoothly from a planted foot to the toe launch to make it more natural

your arm movement could have done more to accentuate the crowd awakener (?) (i’m dumb) that you did, great idea tho

the low cork/misleg was fine, this gives you a lot of power to work with so I was a little underwhelmed with your choice to swing into another cork, albeit a well executed variation

the cheat setup was pretty much perfect, as i’d expect from you, and i appreciate the decision to maintain such strict form during the twist. I guess it’s just lacking a bit of style that would satisfy my personal tastes

donutboy was dope and probably the most memorable part of the replay to me, great choice there that really spiced up the replay

as one of this games fastest improving players of all time you continue to improve rapidly and i look forward to seeing what you do next
even though at this point im bored of tricking in general unless people do the most retarded scale level of goofy tricks that actually make me wanna post

i do appreciate the form and general consensus towards keeping flow/momentum in an actually smooth way whilst doing somewhat cool tricks
(since i give a rats ass about form night calling is the perfect example of tricking i can appreciate when it comes to skill with execution, but nonetheless bores me to death, just not my cup o tea)

if you do more shit like you did in working on dying where shit is just happening that looks cool then i'll gladly hop back and enjoy the watch

keep at it nerd
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.
another shitty lil scrap thing :supri sed::supri sed::supri sed:
Attached Files
most haunted.rpl (534.6 KB, 40 views)
tiptoeing on marble floors

dancing with big chungus on demon time
its cleannn, but idk bro, you're moving different fr fr no kizzy on god on god, STRAIGHT UP!, go faster blud?
Last edited by Rajen; Oct 5, 2023 at 03:06 AM.
rly nice frontswing but i fear not enouh trick variety, not a single scoot cork to be found
EMS (Emergency Medical Services) | PT
Um Mamute pequenino queria voar