Original Post
[JSnake's]Pro and Cons Rating Thread
Sampandora. This thread is about discussing Sampandora. Should we kick him, or keep him or just make him a normal member. I'm not trying to be prejudiced here, but unfortunately Sampandora seems to be detrimental to our clan's reputation. I'll list some pros and cons.

- Active.<-----there is whole bunch more

- Bad grammar.<--------Trying to get better at that
- Multiple infractions/bans.<------Well I sometimes dont understand why I am banned so I do the same things and get banned again Well don't do the same things and read the rules.
- Managed to start a flame war.<-------The guy started to flame me for no reason Well then at least you dragged it on for a really long time. You could have both apologized and made up during the game and not needed to post this at all =\
- Massive spam and useless posts.<----Read my post Yes you do spam and do have useless posts. Take those to wibbles.
- Unbelievably flawed logic.<------What? Wasn't my suggestion. =|
- Childish.<----- well I am a child So am I.

sampandora edited this

Edit: Screw it. This is not just about Sampandora now. Post here and get graded by me. I'm not even sure why all of you want to get graded like this.
Last edited by jumpysnake; Sep 4, 2009 at 03:14 AM. Reason: Changed Thread use

EDIT: Get out... This is off-topic and useless not contributing to the concise important discussion we are talking about here. -OfUnknown
Last edited by OfUnknown; Sep 14, 2009 at 03:03 AM.
Originally Posted by jumpysnake View Post
Sampandora. This thread is about discussing Sampandora. Should we kick him, or keep him or just make him a normal member. I'm not trying to be prejudiced here, but unfortunately Sampandora seems to be detrimental to our clan's reputation. I'll list some pros and cons.

- Active.

- Bad grammar.
- Multiple infractions/bans.
- Managed to start a flame war.
- Massive spam and useless posts.
- Unbelievably flawed logic.
- Childish.

^True that.
- 12 is grade 7 or 8. Yes, middle school can be stressful but that doesn't mean that you can come here to vent anger.
- Personal issues should be personal.
- Sorry bout that.
- Take out your anger on the bullies instead. Scheme vengeance.
- If you are in all honors class how is your grammar is bad?
- Some people say that I'm a nerd because I play Toribash but I don't really care.
- Posting random things? Go to wibbles.
- I'm not trying to flame you.
- Depression is normal. Well not really, but get some friends, they can help you get over it. I would know since now I'm only a slightly depressed cynic in real life.
Last edited by jumpysnake; Sep 3, 2009 at 09:09 AM.
Originally Posted by jumpysnake View Post
- 12 is grade 7 or 8. Yes, middle school can be stressful but that doesn't mean that you can come here to vent anger.
- Personal issues should be personal.
- Sorry bout that.
- Take out your anger on the bullies instead. Scheme vengeance.
- If you are in all honors class how is your grammar is bad?
- Some people say that I'm a nerd because I play Toribash but I don't really care.
- Posting random things? Go to wibbles.
- I'm not trying to flame you.
- Depression is normal. Well not really, but get some friends, they can help you get over it. I would know since now I'm only a slightly depressed cynic in real life.

ok im sorry but i have been thinking about punching a bullie in the bridge of the nose (english is my worst subject thats why)
<Insert Cucumer here>
You got kicked once and then got asked to join back. It's very ironic.

Torikai pros
- Friendly
- Good Reputation
- Good player. Ish.

Torikai cons
- Useless posting/talking everywhere but the forums. I.e. Everywhere that you can't get evidence.
- Inactive.
- Very Inactive.
- Can be childish.
- Gotten infracted or banned?