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[NEW] Weekly schedule?
I'm thinking it'd make it easier for people in the clan to decide days to get on and get around to playing as a group more if I made a weekly schedule, So i'm gonna try one starting with Monday 25 June.

So here are MY ideas for this week.

Monday 25 - Recruitment, do not misunderstand this, we will have a recruitment server. But this isn't the only thing I want done, I want a few, at the least 2, of our members hopping in different servers and finding talent.

Tuesday 26 - Free day. It'll probably be like most days, whoever gets on gets on.

Wednesday 27 - War Day. I want to get a few new members for the war team, and whoever who can show up who's already in the war team, to hunt for wars. We need that rank.

Thursday 28 - Bet server / tourney day.

Friday 29 - Free Day.

Saturday 30 - Scheduled war with iCoF, and after, or before the war starts we should play together for practice.

Sunday 1 - Free day.

If you have any suggestions for next weeks schedule please PM me, only comment here if you are attending, unable to attend an important event. Or if I made any errors.
magic, a chocolate pie, the horn of a unicorn, a nude picture of Emma Watson, Justin Biebers's head, the holy grail, a cup from the fountain of youth, marriage to a mermaid, a tentacle from a kraken, and a letter of recommendation from the leader of what ever country your in.