Original Post
Clan Jobs
So, an idea has been brought to my attention regarding the establishment of niches within our clan to certain individuals. So, everybody in the clan will have a specific job which they will have to perform satisfactorily. For the time being, I will allow you to choose your job, however, I reserve the right to force you to change jobs if one is overchosen or another is empty and needs filling. The current job options are...


You are the leader, or at least one of the leaders, of [elite]. Everyone in the 
clan looks up to you for leadership, and you better supply it, or you'll get raged by 
everyone. Take it from me D: (You're the guy who makes threads like this)
  • You must be awesome enough to get elected by the clan
  • Extremely active
  • Independently Stubborn
  • Skilled in every field imaginable
  • A born winner
Being a leader is a very tough job, but it is awarded with respect...sort of >.>...and power in the clan, but not too much :)
"That Guy"

Former Leader, Current Veteran, Everlastingly Awesome
This job cannot be auditioned for, or applied for. It is only bestowed upon those 
worthy of a leadership role. You oversee everything within the faction, and act upon the 
clan as you see fit. You work directly with the clan leader and community organizer to 
create the best clan possible.
Assistant to the Leader

You get to spend time helping out the overwhelmed leader(s) of [elite] to do what 
they need to do. The benefits are that you get to bond with the leaders, and learn quite a 
few things in the process. Of course, the cons to it is that you will have to do work, 
usually random. Anything from forum work to photoshopping will need to be done.
Must be active
Must be a hard worker
Must be able and willing to learn
also, it would be awesome if you knew a little bit of photoshopping, music making, and/or 
writing skills (writing is for forums, you could help make the sticky threads and whatnot, 
all the important stuff. Of course, you'll get credit for it, and perhaps even gifts from 
yours truly!)
Community Organizer

As a community organizer, you will be in charge of making sure [elite] is active, and 
weed out the inactives. Then, you will bring them to the attention of the leaders at hand. 
They will then take action towards said inactivity if it is unwarranted and unable to be 
handled by you. You will also be in charge of recruitment, if you can be trusted with the 
Must be able to use time effectively.
Must be able to organize members in an efficient manner.
Must be active.
Must have good forum etiquette and knowledge.
Must have a firm grasp of [elite] policies and procedures.
Event Coordinator

Event Coordinators are a great driving force for clan activity. They supply the clan 
with enjoyable tournaments and competitions which pit the clan against one another for 
a designated prize. Without them, the clan is often bored and inactive, and the clan 
dies a painful death.
  • Creative
  • Sociable
  • Has Knowledge with server commands
  • Prior experience with Toribash tourneys

Mentors are tasked with the education of new recruits. As a mentor, you are to make sure that all new recruits have the knowledge necessary to be an efficient member of the Toribash community. The role you play in the clan is important in the upkeep of its standards. So long as you do a good job, respect should come your way.
  • Must be dependable
  • Must be active
  • Must be knowledgeable in the workings of Toribash

As the enforcer of the clan, you must make sure that all members and affiliates of the 
clan's actions are up to par. Furthermore, you will attempt to ward off [elite] imposters.
  • Must be determined
  • Must have pride in clan
  • Would be nice to have connections with higher powers
  • Must be able to represent themselves respectfully in the face of ignorance

As treasurer, you must keep track of all financial aspects of the clan. Currently, 
this job is non-existent, due to the fact that we have no financial issues. However, when 
the clan grows larger, I believe that there will eventually be a bank/donation request in 
which members can ask for a tc loan so that they can get textures and colors and such. 
Alternatively, the actual colors or textures can be given/loaned. This would have to be 
cataloged by the treasurer (you). A nice benefit of having this job is that it's fairly 
NOTE: This job will likely be taken alongside another job.

For whatever reason, your parents have grounded you, or you've been sent to jail.
Shame on you, do not do it again. This job restricts you from having any job, sorry :(
 ( o..o)
( )___( )

Information to come
Mindless Worker

Due to the lack of employment opportunities in [elite], this job choice was added 
so as to not leave out other members of the clan. Basically, you do what you are told, 
nothing more, nothing less. You exist to serve the clan, and you will do so without question
You get little to no prizes, but you can work hard and can later be promoted to whatever job 
you choose. It is easier for you to change jobs than for any other job choice.
Current Employees
  1. Sarutobi - Leader
  2. Sangriento - Assistant to Leader
  3. Bounafizta - "That Guy"
  4. JesseBean - Mentor
  5. damasta97 - Enforcer
  6. CDSONIC01 - Recruiter
  7. greatone - Ghost
  8. tacoBELL - Mindless Worker
Last edited by Sarutobi; Apr 22, 2011 at 05:46 AM.
[elite] Sarutobi ~ Ryland Gomez [elite]
I haven't been in elite long.Lol but I can learn if I become assisstant and i'm a hard worker a very hard worker.Yes I am active but my forum accout i abandoned retret,He had 500 posts.
[ Fr3styL, Pandora, Secret, DP, Creamy Horse Mouths, TINT<3]
ya i will do something to. . . i mean im not that good at most stuff but i could do the last one, or do recruiting. cuz im ingame all the time and stuff like that. well let me know something saru
Wanna COOKIE? Didn't think so! =]
For cheap item look at my shop "Crazy deals"
i'll have to ask to be assigned by you chief, i can do either one of those cept for treasurer xD
[elite]Sarutobi: I had a lvl 10 testicle... best day of my life
lol true. . . he must have a different job!
Wanna COOKIE? Didn't think so! =]
For cheap item look at my shop "Crazy deals"
lol. but if you buy me cake i would consider!
Wanna COOKIE? Didn't think so! =]
For cheap item look at my shop "Crazy deals"