Weekend Bash
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What is an infraction?
Infractions are the system of punishment on Toribash, each point accumulates and has an expiration date. However, if you have too many points at any one time you will automatically be banned (for instance fifteen points is a one month ban).

5 points - 1 day ban
9 points - 1 day ban
12 points - 1 day ban
15 points - 7 day ban
20 points - 1 month ban
24 points - 1 month ban
27 points - 3 month ban
30 points - 3 month ban
31 points and above is permanent

Infractions will add to your points until they expire.

Repeated values mean that an account will be banned each time it reaches at least that number of points.

Generally, the intermediate ban lengths between 3 months and permanent are relatively superfluous, and almost any 1 year ban can either be appealed to less or will at some point be made permanent.

Note also that this is generally more forgiving. Most of the infractions are worth the same number of points as they were previously, so technically you can get a few more of them without getting a ban longer than a week.

To somewhat counter this, however, note that most infractions now take longer to expire, so it's possible to build up more infractions if you don't read them and take them to heart.

A warning is worth 0 points. Warnings are just a "slap on the wrist" and cannot contribute to being banned. Note: Recieving too many warnings may invoke an infraction.

Polish translation

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Spanish translation

French Translation

Last edited by list; Feb 6, 2023 at 11:22 AM. Reason: Updated with the new infraction changes. Translations still need to be done or scrapped.
How long does it take for a infraction to expire?
<FireDesire> Now rub your cheeks against my leg and meow.
<remzyh>*rubs cheecks on legs and meows*
There's a date for when it expires on the infractions area in you're profile, for instance, i had an infraction worth 2 points for useless post, it expired on 14th of june putting me back at 0 infraction points.
Tim is bae :3
I am sorry for what I have done, I now do realize that that was a horrible decision to make. If I could somehow contact the player I have scammed so I could give him a few items for an apology? And my flame that I had scammed with had been taken away from the day I have been banned, I was wondering if you had taken it? If so could I possibly have one for chance?...
Originally Posted by Kusunoki View Post
if you have 20 points but the infraccion was expired, you will be ban?

If you were given 20 points for an Infraction, you would be banned permanently.

However, if you were unbanned afterwards the points would remain there until a moderator decided it was time to remove them.

Usually, S-Mods and higher use different moderator tools to ban people permanently so you may not even receive points. However, in the case of other staff like GM's, you would receive the points until someone removed them or reversed the Infraction.

Just because you have 20 points, doesn't mean you'll be banned forever.
Originally Posted by Cheshyre View Post
If you were given 20 points for an Infraction, you would be banned permanently.

However, if you were unbanned afterwards the points would remain there until a moderator decided it was time to remove them.

Usually, S-Mods and higher use different moderator tools to ban people permanently so you may not even receive points. However, in the case of other staff like GM's, you would receive the points until someone removed them or reversed the Infraction.

Just because you have 20 points, doesn't mean you'll be banned forever.

I have points, because sometimes i do ``useless´´ post, but i dont know what is a ``useless´´ post or not...