Original Post
[VID] Toribash - Just Chaz
Hey guys, i made a new Video.

Hope you enjoy it.

Progs used:
my Brain

Music - Dj Pablo
Improvements that can be made:
-You can work on the transitions, they were just kind of random and didn't look good, with the slide by and the cube flips, Pinnacle Studios can do that and it is a pretty shitty program that mostly nobody has probably heard of, so using Sony Vegas should be a lot better.

- The intro, lol... Oh the intro, I could see the the letters disappear into a line that was on the side of the screen instead of fully going out of focus on the actual side of the video. So that looked a little weird. So maybe extend where the masks were or something depending if sony vegas even has masks (Haven't used sony vegas that much). So yeah... Just kind of awkward.

- Work with the effects more. The random light effects were quite bad and just kind of made me like the video even less...

What I liked:
- The camera movement was pretty good, not to shabby, I did tend to try to use w,a,s,d and move around so I can look at a different angle when it was staying still because it seemed like it would be better to get up close, but other than that, it did look pretty good.

- Replay were alright...

Happy Halloween!!!!!
[u]Ultimate | Team Shit-ido | National GayTerrorist Club |Photoshop Corp.
R.I.P UNDEAD21, Beta, and Assazin