Original Post
[ProjectV] So you want to join us?

Welcome fellow Toribashians.
This thread is where you may post your applications to apply to join Project Virus.

We expect you to be respectful.
We expect you to be active.
We expect you to be social.
We finally expect you to follow our rules.

Your applications should be posted in the following manner. Any bad application that includes mumbo jumbo will be ignored or replied to in a vicious manner, because you're too ignorant to read this.

Preferred name (real names can be included):
Gender (Just curious):
Forum Activity 1-10/10:
In-game Activity 1-10/10:
Best mod (aikido, aikido big dojo, wushu, judo, taekkyon, lenshu, other [please state]):
Favourite mod:
Reason for applying (please don't state that you like the clan etc.):
Contribution to our clan if accepted:
Special Skills (e.g. Art):
Time Zone (GMT):
Type of fighter (e.g. Defense):
Previous Clans (Include why you left/got kicked etc):
Additional information (list/paragraph/replays):

Your application will be discussed and voted on. If you wish to be tested for a higher chance of being accepted, please include the following sentence to your application.

"I, _____ wish to be tested ingame on aikido, wushu, taekkyon and a mod of my choice, to therefore increase my chances of joining Project Virus."

When we see that, an appropriate time will be suggested for testing. On the other hand, you could just hop ingame if one of the Project Virus leaders are online. (loled101, noskcaj, vindeper).

Below is an example of an extremely bad application. Any resemblance to an existing application on this thread is a coincidence:

Preferred name (real names can be included): Jonny
Gender (Just curious): I has willy
Qi/Belt: Wat is belt and qi?
Forum Activity 1-10/10: oh idunno lawl etc etc.
In-game Activity 1-10/10: i mostly do play some time yes weekday do
Best mod (aikido, aikido big dojo, wushu, judo, taekkyon, lenshu, other [please state]): TWINSWORDS *INSERT A TRUCK LOAD UNNECESSARY ICONS AND SMILEYS HERE* -->
Favourite mod: I laik play sowrd gaem
Reason for applying (please don't state that you like the clan etc.): clan awsume
Contribution to our clan if accepted: play
Special Skills (e.g. Art): I play
Time Zone (GMT): 10
Type of fighter (e.g. Defense): POW
Previous Clans (Include why you left/got kicked etc): I LIKE CLANS
Additional information (list/paragraph/replays): I want join
Hi I think good clan Project Virus join want.
*insert extremely stupid replays of useless mods (e.g. Zipline)*

Your other choice is a free form application. Please do not post stupid things. C:

I hope this helps you. Good luck.
Here is our clan thread.
Last edited by ChckenBank; Jan 13, 2012 at 02:43 PM. Reason: New application format
Post your applications here.




WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN: because i have a friend which is close here and i want to try to contribute something in this clan

HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT US: i will try to win clan wars and make this clan active
We need a clan video maker. Any great video maker will be accepted.
We still need one. We now have 2 clan artists.
Last edited by noskcaj; Aug 16, 2011 at 10:43 PM.

I'm the chicken.
M 'n' M factory!
Avatar shop
Not on this game anymore.

BELT:2nd Dan Black Belt


FORUM ACTIVITY:5 days in 1 week

WHY YOU WANT TO JOIN:this clan is good and i want to help this clan

HOW YOU WILL BENEFIT US:try to be more active in forum
나는 안부 비너스 사랑
As you guys requested i got the parkour replay from that match.
Attached Files
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.