Weekend Bash
Original Post
Account Security: How do I keep my account safe?
There may be instances which may lead to the security of your account being compromised. This article will aid you in taking precautions and will additionally guide you on what to do if your account has been compromised.

How do I keep my account safe?
  • Ensure you have an e-mail address linked to your account. You may do this from here.
  • Use a strong password. An alphanumeric password with a combination of symbols is always the best way to go. Prevents your account from being brute-forced in.
  • Never give out your password. No exceptions. Toribash Staff will never ask for your password under any circumstances regardless of whatever case it is.
    If someone attempts to steal your password or ask for it - contact a Super Moderator immediately.
  • This includes your tb_login.dat file in your game files directory. This contains your login information. Don't hand it out.

Phishing Links - Be wary of them
A good example of phishing links would be the "FREE DISCORD NITRO - 3 MONTHS" links you see compromised accounts posting on discord servers. These are links that are meant to trick you into thinking they are officially of any value. And then, your username and password will be requested so that you "log-in". All of them are bogus.

If you happen to receive any suspicious links (likely offering free Toribash items or Toricredits), again, contact a Super Moderator immediately. Never use your Toribash username and password to log-in to anything that isn't officially Toribash.

How do I Recognize Toribash Staff
When you're dealing with account recovery or anything sensitive for that matter, ensure you're talking to an actual Toribash staff member.
  • Forums: Staff members have named that are colored according to their role. https://forum.toribash.com/showgroups.php
  • Discord: Also colorized names where if you click on a staff member, you should see their roles.
  • In-game: Also colorized names where clicking on them will reveal their role.

Who do I contact?
Contact an Administrator, their names will be colored red. They will be helping you in recovering and securing your account.