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Curious about some arm movements
So I realize there is no way to rotate the shoulders, but i'm trying to preform some simple moves, and can't figure out how to make the body do those moves.

For instance, grabbing my own characters head. If I contract the elbow he pulls his elbow to his shoulder, from there, there is no way to reach the head. Whether I contract my chest or raise my shoulder, I cant get him to reach his head.

Also, a wing chun punch. With arms lowered, i contract his arm, but from there I want him to raise his elbow forward, giving his fist enough height to extend with a quick punch to the face. However, raising the shoulder forces his arm to turn sideways instead of just raising the elbow vertically.

Is there something i'm missing? Like a rotation of the neck or lumbar or somethere like that? Or is there just no physical way to rotate the shoulder on a forward vertical axis as opposed to a sideways axis.
Originally Posted by mageer View Post
dude try useing the pecs they will make your arms move forword or back

Dude, at least read what he said.

I also noticed this. There is no way to rotate arms. I am afraid that it is not possible to perform any real life move which needs arm rotation.
A combination between both the pecs and shoulder movements (Using shift+p to move one frame at a time) can actually give you a possible, but not completely realistic result of what you are trying.

This is all in theory but with experience I'm pretty sure it would work.