Original Post
[B]uying A New Set*
  • Full 512
  • Jointed
  • Cartoon Style
  • Legit
  • No Copy & Paste
  • Clean & Crisp
  • Sleepy w/ Pyjamas

I got $40 USD. You can buy a decent game or transfer for 400k+

Oh, and I want it to have a armband w/ my username on it.

Please and thank you!
I can do it but it will take a while I'm quite busy, anyways pm me if we have a deal and i won't need tat much for a cartoony set
i can do this, baby or man, pillow? color?
Last edited by Mummy; Jul 9, 2015 at 11:52 PM. Reason: ?
l l Fuck Aurarian l l
Originally Posted by kamekaz View Post
not a cartoon style but im sure that you will like it

Yes, I like it but I don't want it. I wouldn't set these set requirements if i just wanted some random set. Sorry my good man, but I'll have to pass.