Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Graphics are in here :0
The reason i didn't say "Art" is simple... Some things that are posted here probably
can't be called art :P (My shiz is a GREAT example of this)
But what you do here is simple too. You post whatever graphic thingy - that YOU
made - in here, and people comment it etc etc.
- No plagiarism! (No shit sherlock)
- Generally no images that you didn't make yourself.
- If you have to get critical on people, do it constructively, tell them what they
could do better and so on. Don't just get "teh sux 0/10" on them.
- Programs that help you make art are allowed. It's still you making the art. (Yes, RDM, that was a reference to you and Terragen)
- "FEELTOR SHPAM" shouldn't be looked down upon, if used. In here, we comment
the final outcome, not the process of making it. Unless, of course, that the filter
spam looks fugly. Then it's allowed to look down upon. But don't say that it's
fugly just because it's filter spam.
- No unsuitable/obscene/disrespectful images. (No pr0ns, racism so on)
- Violent images are allowed, to a certain degree. But don't go all extreme. It's
very likely that minors are going to look at the thread at some point.
- No religious images. I'm sorry religious people, but it can and will spark a tremendous inferno.
- When doing an image that makes fun of someone, ensure that this someone
finds it funny too.
- Please, limit your spam.

Sorry about putting you under so tight regulations, but i'd like this to keep rather
clean and free from spamming and trolling. Images are a powerful media, and
can easily be used to gravely insult people. And i don't give a flying fuck about
this being the internet and so on, respect your fellow clan members!
Oh, and if you do go ahead and think you can post racism unpunished, think again,
as i shall personally kick your racist ass out of Fusion with a spiked metal boot. (I'll be asking for leaders permission for this though)
The reason that i'll be dealing with racism so harshly is because it's a very
serious insult, unlike pr0n or disrespectfulnes, which is just annoying/arousing.
While i don't mind you looking at pr0n in your spare time, keep it out of here.

Now, get arting/graphicsing!... I'll start with a few HORRENDOUS concept sketches...

^^ First turret concept i did for Cortex Command... (My own mod of course)
Supposed to be a heavy shotgun turret, but it's more like a squiggle.
But i'm surprised at how well the shading went, considering that i spent like 10 secs on it.

^^ Second turret concept. It's a heavy plasma turret this time, and even in
fugly colors that were ineptly squiggled all over it.

Now that i've wounded your eyes, let's see some good stuff that will heal them :0
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Oh i will... Later. (Also, permission to use spiked metal boots on people posting racist images?)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
oh hey shook, you do teragen?

i'm a c4d modeler (none of tose random oddshapes bullcrap). i point model.

maybe we could collaborate... i'm not yet in the clan though.
Originally Posted by SPiNSUGAR View Post
oh hey shook, you do teragen?

i'm a c4d modeler (none of tose random oddshapes bullcrap). i point model.

maybe we could collaborate... i'm not yet in the clan though.

Well, i used to do some Blender too, but that was some years ago now. Also,
RDM does Terragen too.
And yes, maybe we could collaborate, but be aware that i generally suck at art :P
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by SPiNSUGAR View Post
meh, every good artist i know say they suck. even i think i suck.

i'm looking forward in working with you.

Who the Cinnamon-and-sugar-swirl-in-every-bite are you?
I haz a Radioactive fetish.