Original Post
[ViD] Give me a Name
Heellooooo everybody.
Well, I decided to make a new video. And i need the replays and a name for this video.
Let's get to work!
=-Replay Info-=
Style: Madman and Trick
3 replays per person.
Plz no spar's
=-Music Info-=
I need you to give me opinions on what songs should I use I was thinking of rock / dubstep.
Post the music in spoiler with the name of music.
=-Other works-=


=-Starring list-=
  • Pr1vAt3
  • Hours
  • Internet
  • Sprytryne
  • iCo0n
  • LampGod
  • LucianoWoW
  • TMinster*
  • Victor4554*
  • chaco*
Names with ''*'' I'm not sure I'll use the replays.
Last edited by TORIITO; Jul 29, 2013 at 01:50 AM.

Artist. Sometimes.

K here's some.


Attached Files
[Pr1]- 16 bit.rpl (459.0 KB, 9 views)
[Pr1]- Round Edges.rpl (306.0 KB, 7 views)
[Pr1]- Revival of Spirits.rpl (513.1 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Private; Jul 11, 2013 at 08:16 PM.
Yeah I only got two.
I can't make replays as awesome as I could back then. :/
Attached Files
Ashes To Ashes.rpl (153.6 KB, 6 views)
Onion Rings.rpl (170.8 KB, 6 views)

Desperately trying to get back into TB...