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[f]Applications + Memberlist


Hello Ladies and Gentlemen!

Do you have what it takes for Fr3styL?

1. Name:
2. Age:
3. GMT:
4. Paragraph describing yourself:
5. Other online games you play:
Last edited by drool; May 2, 2013 at 02:04 AM.

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Well I'm awkward at starting shit like this, oh well. Let's just call this my intro. Tolerate it pl0x :>

Name: Ivey
Age: 19
GMT: -5
Paragraph describing yourself: Well, I'll start with a little bit about my toribash career and then move on to my real life.
I started playing because my brother was pretty addicted to it and seemed to enjoy talking to people on the forums. I enjoy socializing myself so I gave it a shot. I mainly browsed the forums but I get aroused from some aikido time to time. I used to play with Nate alllll the fucking time but I eventually just faded away. I checked up a couple days ago and so far, Nate seems to be my only oldie still around. He mentioned Fr3styL and here I am! Now a little bit about me! I just graduated! Probably gonna go to Texas Tech but I'm pretty unsure. I'm 5'9 and fucking hate it. I have long brown hair and I have sorta hazelish eyes, although I have these fucking awesome purple contacts that I wear for special occasions (not that anyone cares lolz.) I enjoy movies and reading and occasional parties but for the most part I'm a lazy bitch with nothing to do. I like [f] because of the family like atmosphere. It seems like everyone loves everyone and I would enjoy being a part of that! I may not be the most active member of the community but that's what I need, a reason to hang around.
Other games you play: I'm sorry to say but I'm not the gamer girl people look for! Toribash is the only online game I've ever played consistently and it'll probably stay that way.
Last edited by BlackRozez; Jun 10, 2012 at 07:55 AM.
Given my memories with blackrozez i would say i have had ample time to get a judge of her personality. I have to say she would be a perfect fit into [f]!

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I'm all over the place. I fucking love dubstep/house/dance/tranceish music, but I also adore a few country artist's ^.^ I'm sort of developing a fetish for like dubstep raps. Kinda like this =D
Originally Posted by BlackRozez View Post
Bleeggghhhhhhh. It sounds like he's dying. Makes me tear up D':

they're the best what are you on about
loljk they cancer