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Breaking Through Artist's Block.
So, if you have 17 minutes to blow, watch this:

(Sycra is a slow speaker imo. Sorry about that)

Short summary: Sycra talks about the concepts of vision and skill in art. Vision being how good you are at seeing flaws, concepts, maybe fundamentals, and maybe even your creativity. Skill being well... Skill. IE how good you are at actually making art. He also claims among other things that when your vision is greater than your skill you may go through an artist's block. Or maybe even consider quitting art cold turkey.

What are you thoughts on this? Personally, I have ideas that I'd love to implement but are way out of my skill-range. So in that sense I'd say my vision is greater than my skill (Not saying that either are that great though).

Also big question. Have any of you ever considered quitting art? I don't know, way back when I was working on learning traditional art I said I'd post perspective works on a monthly basis. But that ended up never happening because I had to always force myself to draw in my sketchbook, so I decided to take a break (which is still ongoing). To be honest, if I don't get any interest in doing traditional art I'm pretty sure I'm going to quit art. Which may not be that big of a deal, but still.
very interesting. here's mine xD
aprox one month ago started working long hours irl and this happened

Last edited by 13chillz; Aug 17, 2013 at 09:12 AM.
I dunno, I do what I want.

Edit: just realised i hate maths, did the graph wrong, I'll edit it later so its funny again.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Its more like this for me I feel like.

Never really had an artist block tho, but I spot most of my flaws pretty instantly but its so hard to fix them all because they are so many and they form an army to try to stop me. I have never been wanting to quit but I get depressed sometimes when I see how shitty my brand new drawing is compared to some of my old, but if you look at my work 3 years ago and compare it to today I know I'm going in the right direction.
BenDover's skill transcends the formalities of space-time.

"But if you look at my work 3 years ago and compare it to today I know I'm going in the right direction." - True, this feeling is always nice. I guess Sycra's right in saying that you know if you keep at it you will get better.

Also Ezeth you've never had an artist's block? Have you ever had a writing block (Even though they're kinda different)? Man that'd be nice if I never had writing blocks for essays.
Last edited by GoodBox; Aug 18, 2013 at 10:06 PM.

when I have inspiration, i draw. im doing it like a manyak. i cant stop. i can draw whole night, even if i got to go work next day. But soon i "burn out". And i hate photoshop, progects (unfinished ones) and all about drawing. Break can be from one week to several months. After some time, I got "i want to draw" in my head ticking, on my work, in the car, everywhere. I go to work, and im not thinking about business , im thinking of my drawing progects, old and new ones, i imagine of what i can draw. And then, I am opening all the stuff and begin to draw like a manyak again. Sleepless nights and drawing weekends are back again. Wife is mad these times.

To all my projects im making a little test. When I think that it is great, I gave a break to it, and after some time im opening it and then i can say for shure, is it great, or is it crap and need to be redone. I'm some kind of perfectionist, and if i cant make a finished progect that i like, it could be redone hundreds of times. Or it can become dead.

Will never quit art. I need this i dont know why.Sometimes, it is ticking in my head "i need to draw, i need to create..progects, ideas.. etc". May be im sick. lol

btw, i have bought this

Vision keeps increasing but skill doesn't move an inch (if not decreasing) because I still read art forums but I don't do any art -_-;

Originally Posted by BenDover View Post

Holy shit what the fuck.
My eye has always been way higher than my skill.
lately though, even my eye has been useless.
Always had more skill than confidence, but without the confidence to use it, skill was irrelevant.

i think his explanation of the people whose eyes are better than their skill, is lame, im more eyes than skill and Im still around...
Last edited by BenDover; Aug 19, 2013 at 12:32 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by GoodBox View Post
Also Ezeth you've never had an artist's block? Have you ever had a writing block (Even though they're kinda different)? Man that'd be nice if I never had writing blocks for essays.

Never really have a writing block either, but then again my essays were wierd and stupid as well as my art :P I think the trick for me is not to wait for when I have a great idea, I just wait for any idea. If I can't come up with anything on the fly I either look on deviantart for inspiration or just draw a circle and let it go from there.