Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Clan Tags
well cinder has just brought in a rule that clan tags cant be more than 8 characters, so anything like [scream_ldr] [scream_elite] etc is too long and will apparently result in our clan forum being locked if we dont sort it out. Which is a bit shit imo, theres members of this clan that dont even read the forums and if they lock it becuase of them im gonna be pissed off

so yeah im reducing mine back down to just [scream], if you see anyone ingame with a long tag tell them to get rid of it.
Youshop | Art
ya that will be good. but this is how u will put tag spree!! [Scream_C]Spree
meaning C for co leader i will put [Scream_L]greatone
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NO just put scream it was a rul in my old clan that i made it makes teh clan look more porfessional and also we know who is who in the clan so just put scream on in the tag XD also whats imo mean?
i always think it means iMOD im like what i do XD
I N C R E D I B L E H !
yeah i agree i think just keeping it as [scream] looks better, we know who is who anyway. And imo stands for in my opinion.. good to drop into forum posts to cover your back when people disagree with you :P
Youshop | Art
srry i was grounded 4 a while and i have not been active for at least a weak... i'm srry but i get this so i wil,l put the sceam tag on
yea same here i wont be on for a lil so jus keep it going spree and everyone
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