Original Post
clan war?
us toriknights were sitting around bored and we thought "hey how bout a clan war" so u guys want a clan war? you get to make mod/rules/time. so please except couse WE ARE BORED!!!!!!!!!*trigger happy*

Last edited by lazerman53; Dec 12, 2008 at 01:20 AM.
Hold up let me see if I have any fux... Nope NO FUCKS!
Nomechy's guide to surviving toribash
well they wanna war because i used to be co-leader of that clan but anyway im down how about the rest of you guys they arnt the worst clan but yeah we need our best talent please post
I N C R E D I B L E H !
Originally Posted by iMOD3RN15 View Post
well they wanna war because i used to be co-leader of that clan but anyway im down how about the rest of you guys they arnt the worst clan but yeah we need our best talent please post

1. You were not co-leader, splunker was back then.
2. You didnt quit i kicked you but u can tell them whatever you want.
lol u were never co-leader splunker was, and either way the reason we want war is becouse we are bored. (did i mention that we want war becouse we are bored not becouse we dont like u) (did u see how we only wanted war becouse we are bored?)
Hold up let me see if I have any fux... Nope NO FUCKS!
Nomechy's guide to surviving toribash
fisrt off splunker quit your clan because he didnt liek you and i know where he is right now and who he is on his new account also you people need a life i quit then you posted that you kicked me after i left to look kewl noone likes toriknights and yo are all big bundles of sticks(faggots!)
I N C R E D I B L E H !
ok well before this was about bordam but now this is about unholy devine rath. i dont know why u couldnt just except the clan war peacfuly couse we didnt mean any harm, but u just gotta ruin things like the dont u imod. u think we are out to get u, u think your the best thing that has ever happened to toribash. besides i dont really know whether u were kicked off if u quit but either way u were gunna get kicked for all the bitching u posted about me even when daxx warned not to bitch or u would get the boot.
Last edited by nomechy102; Dec 12, 2008 at 02:47 AM.
Hold up let me see if I have any fux... Nope NO FUCKS!
Nomechy's guide to surviving toribash
wow nomechy get a life you come in our forums of all the clans on toribash i happen to be in it and you guys out for me that bullshti you have no competion in real life or on this video gmae ok...listen noone lieks your clan or your members your all a bunch of little kids who cant over that fact that they cant produce a healthy clan and when someone you knew becomes productive you asswholes fuck it up leave screma alone and ill duel your whole fucking clan got it we dont liek you and noone ever will!!
I N C R E D I B L E H !
all i want is a clan war not a duel i didnt even know u were in scream before i posted the first thread. i dont know why u just cant stop bitching to everyone about TK and just SHUT UP. i just want a clan war to feed my hunger for manipulated violance. so if u will just stop being so immature and just stop critasizing everyone then maybe not so many ppl would hate u so much. im done talking to u, you can keep flaming if u want like the baby u are but im done.
Last edited by nomechy102; Dec 12, 2008 at 03:25 AM.
Hold up let me see if I have any fux... Nope NO FUCKS!
Nomechy's guide to surviving toribash
im up for some friendly competition, biatches :P

As long as theres no more of this stupid banter involved, tis a waste of braincells i say.
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