Weekend Bash
5/10 i didnt really like the song it is too soft for my tastes, but thats mainly because i listen to either house, dance, hardstyle, or hip hop
Last edited by fhphantom; Apr 14, 2012 at 03:11 AM.
Words mean nothing, actions show the true meaning
Head's solo work is awesome.
He converted to christianism but did not open hand about himself.


Here is a song I did the upload myself because there wasn't already this song on youtube. That is sad.
0/10 Uploader has not made this video available in Australia.

This song is only from 0:09 to 1: 36

Dose is dead.
Mastodon... I must rate 10/10.
Also, I bought that CD, just amazig.

A big hail to The Pirate Bay for promoting this band.