Weekend Bash
Originally Posted by fudgiebalz View Post
good opener, you don't see those dms every day
good followup, nothing much to say about that
the next followup is a bit bare, a little bitchslap grab dm
you stay in kinda the same position too
same goes for the next followup; bit slow
the skeetdecap looks a bit halfassed because you don't even get into a proper stance for it
no pose, pls

give me more of the first two hits please

Thanks Fudges.
And, yeah, skeet was, indeed, a bit rushed as I wasn't planing to do it in the 1st place.
Fun fact: 1st 3 DMs happen exactly 30 frames apart from each other.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
So I decided to briefly step out of my madman comfort zone and try something else...
I always found tricking interesting but I've never tried doing it....until now....
Don't expect anything fancy as it's only 1 trick....cork, to be precise....
So yeah.....here's my 1st cork ever. I don't know how to feel about it....It's definitely not perfect.

Also, no+cork=nork
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#GrAm-Nork.rpl (132.1 KB, 30 views)
Last edited by GrAmOf0n; Jun 25, 2015 at 08:13 PM.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
i dont know jack shit about tricking replays since i never do them, but the flaws i spotted were the shoulder lowering at 385 when in reality you should be raising it to place on the ground i believe. i also think that your ankle should not be extended when being used for support too, as that would be very painful irl D: that landing also looks a bit weird as you extended the knees (or extended then relaxed them which has similar same effect) and they reached full extension way before you landed
oh yeah
What Pusga said.
+ A few extra things: Don't use your chest during a cork, use your arms for the momentum instead. Don't completely contract arms either, lower them first then contract slightly. Don't curl up into a ball, keep your legs long and straight.

-I've tried to fix up your cork, took like a minute, don't expect anything amazing, nor a good landing but this is what a cork should look like.
Attached Files
GrAm Cork Fix.rpl (135.2 KB, 18 views)
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
i dont know jack shit about tricking replays since i never do them, but the flaws i spotted were the shoulder lowering at 385 when in reality you should be raising it to place on the ground i believe. i also think that your ankle should not be extended when being used for support too, as that would be very painful irl D: that landing also looks a bit weird as you extended the knees (or extended then relaxed them which has similar same effect) and they reached full extension way before you landed

Thank you pusga. Yeah....as you can see, I know jack shit about tricking as well......guess I'll stick to madmans then.

Originally Posted by Rune View Post
What Pusga said.
+ A few extra things: Don't use your chest during a cork, use your arms for the momentum instead. Don't completely contract arms either, lower them first then contract slightly. Don't curl up into a ball, keep your legs long and straight.

-I've tried to fix up your cork, took like a minute, don't expect anything amazing, nor a good landing but this is what a cork should look like.

Thank you for the tips Rune. However, I don't think I'll be attempting to trick again any time soon....

Cheers fellas.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
Originally Posted by GrAmOf0n View Post
Thank you pusga. Yeah....as you can see, I know jack shit about tricking as well......guess I'll stick to madmans then.

but how are you going to learn tricking then (assuming you do want to learn tricking)
oh yeah
Tried some more 'tricking' today. I also tried to follow the advice Rune gave to me...
The result is a shitty back handspring followed by a crappy cork.....
Attached Files
#GrAm-Disaster.rpl (137.1 KB, 20 views)
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
generally in handsprings when the feet leave the ground, the hands are as close as possible to the ground. since thats very hard in toribash, its not a huge deal but just a heads up. watching videos of tricks is very useful

the left arm ghosting through the leg is usually not a problem but in tricking i think it is

better than the last one, nice improvement
oh yeah
Well, let's go through a list of pros and cons:

-Legs weren't equal for the handspring, if you want to step forward then lean back that's possible and actually looks quite good but only a few of us can do it while keeping our bodies straight during the flip.
-You lowered one arm at a time making it so you used one wrist before the other, extending the wrists almost never works and looks good unless you have it perfect because it springs you into the air.
-Because of the arm thing your body twisted in the air and you landed on one foot (good job) but not leaned far back enough so your cork didn't actually work because you fell forward and had to open up early to enable a steady landing.

-I couldn't cork when I first started tricking, especially not from the type of landing, I'm impressed grats.
-The pose was semi steady, nice breast showing.
-You have a nice relaxed yet solid flow, most of us are too hard or too soft.
-You can say you suck now, you can say you want to give up, don't. This community needs more trickers and you just need time to get better, we all looked like you when we started, probably even worse.
-Much better replay than the last.

I swear I will follow every one of your tricking replays, I am your ghost, I will direct you on the correct path. xD