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How exactly is it modified? Is it in terms of size or just a precursor for the changes you state afterwards? Stronger limbs, abs, wrists and ankles leaves you with it just being standard dmt on chest and head joints? Curious as to the logic behind this given that a large part of tk has always been dismembering limbs as a form of defence. My concern here is that the idea is to make people more aggressive, but it could potentially have the opposite effect when they realise that they don't need to worry about their limbs breaking on blocks. I feel like there is an argument both ways but if there's any confusion I think recent meta has shown us that people will always favour a defensive tactic.
The body modification isn't really extensive, for one I enlarged all the torso, shoulder and hip joints by 0.1. Then I edited the shape of the arms a little bit, most notably changing hands from squares to rectangles, functioning more as real life hands. I also closed up the gap between the breast bodypart and the neck joint (which also comes with the head itself ofc), effectively making decaps more challenging in that matter. Next up is torso, which has been widened to the sides a little bit, also serving the "more realistic" function, but also making it just a bit easier to land a strike on the torso. Shins have been shrunk down by a 0.1, purely just for aesthetic purposes. And lastly, feet had seen a minor alteration too, meaning that the range the ankle joints can extend/contract to had been slightly increased.
There is also a screenshot showcasing how the body looks now in the "Screenshots" spoiler.
About the strength of the joints, I've tweaked the strength of several joints (most notably shoulders, elbows, hips and knees) to balance out the increase of the overall body mass (caused by joints getting larger, as adressed above).
I have noticed that this change also allows quicker movements, either when setting up an attack or trying to defend an attack (effectively also balancing out the overall increase in the dismember threshold and fracture threshold). Breaking your opponents wrists is still a viable defense strategy, ofcourse a little harder to execute now (I have tested this part out myself, when Haku broke my wrist during my opener 3 times in a row).
To adress your concern, during my first stage of development, the mod was somewhat favoring agressive playstyles, since you really can build up a big amount of momentum in a very short time period, which i decided to counter by enabling fractures and raising up the dismember threshold. While there definitely is plenty of distinctions between this iteration of the mod and the original one, I'm pretty confident that the core mechanics are still preserved (and build upon).
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Frac tk has always been present as a niche thing, and a novelty, with the reason being that taekkyon has always been the mod where you get booms and cool replays. Fractures have a tendency to ruin that, so I'm curious about your thoughts on that aspect.
A minor increase to dmt is always welcome in tk tbh, but in combination with a limbs I wonder to what degree it becomes a short form grappling mod.
I agree with you that taekkyon is a very beautiful mod and allows you to score some cool replays, but at this point of time, I feel like there needs to be a change to make it somewhat popular again. My reasoning behind enabling the fractures is quite simple, to shift the mod a little bit from being a cool replay factory for people who are good at the mod, to more competetive and overall massapealing mod.
Due to many changes I've adressed above here, increased dm threshold is really mandatory at this point, but it's not too high to prevent well prepared attacks from yielding what makes taekkyon, taekkyon.
Originally Posted by
RT being longer is again, always welcome. TK requires thought and anything that impedes that has always been counter intuitive in my eyes.
Self damage is one of the things that acts as a deterrent in ErthTk. People don't (didn't) generally like it as it was seen as harsh. If you goal is to create a popular taekkyon mod then self damage may not be the way to go, from experience, however if your goal is simply to make a fun mod then I agree, self damage is wonderful. I just think you may need to clarify your goals, as there are conflicting messages.
The reaction time change is pretty much due to the reason you have correctly stated, but not too extensive where it would give players too much time to act. I agree with you, that taekkyon played against a skilled player often requires a certain level of thought, hence the reason why I also decided to increase it a little.
For the self damage, this change was suggested to me by Haku. I think you are absolutely right that it might deter away some people, but I figured it's a very interesting game mechanic (that has also been lost in time) that you also have to keep a track of, plus I figured it could somewhat benefit players who are skilled enough to not be affected by this feature in a negative way. I might remove this feature in the future.
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Food for thought, I've not played taekkyon competitively in years, so all of this comes with a solid dose of "whatever gramps".
I am very grateful that you took your time to write up this response, I really am. Your feedback is as valid to be as anyone elses (perhaps even more important, since you are in fact the person who made ErthTk), regardless of the fact that you haven't played taekkyon competetively in years. If you happened to wish to discuss the mod development further, or provide some other feedback, I will be more than happy to get in contact. Once again, thank you for stopping by.