View Poll Results: Should Russia be it’s own category?
68 Votes / 49.64%
69 Votes / 50.36%
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List of toribash players in each continent
This will be a list of toribash players from each continent. Simply state what continent you live in and you'll be added to this list.

North America:
adam12102 <3, alejandro3, Apex, bands, bgjames1, Bonzi, box, Buck_Turgidson, Chax, Creati0n, Crow, Dabi, Dare, DeakManiac, Demon, Divine, Dracula, Enclave, EPOCH <3, Fade, Forex, Froog, Frost, Goat, Goomba, heat, iRookie, iTemp, kidfury128, Kirito, Kmyn, kouta, Kyure, Levi, Link, Lost, Lucci, Mist, MOONSHAKE, mwah, nervau, nine, phish, Pill, Quest, Roukan, Rythm, sc00t3r, sirkill1, skizz, Suka, Static, Stealth, Swaves, Temple, Tree, Tyka, uloveme, Vanity, Velo, Warlord, Wizard, Wounder, yayo, ymir, YoJohn, hubhubhub, Nurse, Kozmonaut, DruggedPanda, Nollidw, waldo, WeooWeoo, XoEchoX,

South America: Alejandro, Arakata, Ascension, Atreus, BabyHawk, BillieJoe, Bruno, cappucino, Carnage, catt, Comet, Cosmic, D4yr, Daedalus, Dawned, decaptador, Deimos, dengue, Doctor (RIP), Dudex, eddy, felipao, Felnin, Formo, gabriel, Gihar, Haku, handler, Hugo, IIInsanEEE, Immotay, IMPERIAL, Iver, Jenson, Jordan, ka2, Kecchin, Leonardo, Life, Lionet, Lite, loison, Love, Luca, Mateo, Miko, Milk, MoisesJr, Nervoso, obg, Onsola, Orny, Perfect, PsyT, SennaX, Sleep, South, Stiktori, Supernada, Superseba, Thalles, theboy, Tinerr, tonypcc, TORIITO, Tryton, UncleLeo1, Victor4554, victortb, Void, Warlost, XPaD, XYLONN, Yiazmat

Asia: akina, basic, bornhell, Clint, CutErcHoP, Denccelor, Evilbuu, Fire, HolyShrimp, Kaito, Karstnator, Loona, Mage, Maikei11, Manitoda, MrSofty, nathaniel95, piss, RushyRulerz, Ryuu, Saiko, smosh023, Smurf, Sprytryne, Sunther, Style, Virtue, Xrexortime

Europe: Advens, aliosa, azzeffir23, Bison, blueevil, Colors, Chirox, Crollex, daph, Deni, Dizzee, ern, fred, Gruszex, Halu, Hampa, hydra, Insanity, iris, jajo, Jaker, joope1, jtank, Kamy, Kane, Madeline, MagikerN, melrose, Piratez?, Powas, Pushka, RushPL, Saku, scorpio, shazebisnub, Shine, Smaiva, Something, Sora, Specter strikalo, Sweeyollo, Swepples, Swexx, tabby, Tomato, Trestet, Tsuku, Xife, Xioi, WIFI,

Oceania: Bailey, DaBoomba, Death29, Holotor, Icky, Joboman, list, Litre, Peter, PhiSiKa, SabreRage, Solax, Sparky, Xydra

Russia: Aerosmith, Cicada3301, Diamond, Euphoria, Fira, Guard, KonoRUS, Kyoukisu, Mephistopheles, MeoW, Shiva, sir, T0n0mi, Ticux, USB, Winver, Xaria

Africa: Alpha, BenDover, ConCon, detacher, elvis, Jennie, lily, Obito, Quack, Shmevin, yuki, millie

England because they hate Europe for some reason: Arctic, controla, Charm, counter, Drunkmonk, Edward, Erth, Glimpsed, Goughy, Gynx?, Hikou, Karma, Killer3366, Lamby, max, Mitchy, Moop, N3WB, nasa, Nausea, Skulfuk, Stone, tyler112, watermagic

Glory to Ukraine: Egoist, Father, Hug, NotPonzo, Warabi
Last edited by list; Nov 23, 2024 at 10:56 AM. Reason: added epoch <3, Gruszex, Apex, waldo, Colors
Joboman and I are Oceania.
Addicted-re 07-16

24/07/2019. I'll find you again my friend.

"I like to visualise icky in the astral realm fighting off the spambots (alien-robot hybrid species) singlehandedly and trying to scan their brains to find out which evil mastermind is sending them" ~ rola