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pinging in tourneys
so i was playing in a tourney and a player pinged
as a fair thing he should join back because its not his fault
its not fair that this player just waits until the last match
and then he enters
this is like he skipped his rounds and this is not fair to other players
if a player pings he should auto rejoin and auto re enter
i hope this gets fixed someday
Power Punch
I do admit people pinning in tournaments is something that you can't help but a ping limit and or timer would be a great addition
you'll have to rise above the best and prove yourself, your spirit never dies.
Actually, right now if you ping during your match and reenter, it wont let you in.
If you ping in queue, you have time till the end of current fight. If you try to enter the tourney after the current fight is over, you are out.

Thats what i have noticed by myself.
thor no thats not what im trying to say
yeah they have a plenty of time to join
but do they have a plenty of time to leave spectating and enter?
so this should be added to the servers so the guy who pinged and joined doesn't stay in spec until the last match and then enter (which is totally unfair for other players)
so there should be something that make the guy who pinged and joined join instantly so he gets his turn like other players and doesnt skip fights until the finale
Power Punch