1. Real Name: Rico

2. Age: 17

3. Proof Of Fan: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9I...QD4YTBQqL96VCA
Youtube = RoboRasta

4. Have you read the clan rules: Yes

5. Prove you have read the rules: there are 3 warnings until you get banned.
6. Previous Clans:none

7. Reasons For Leaving: none

8. What Can You Bring To This Clan: i would like to help in anyway possible

9. Single Player Or Multiplayer: both

10. How Did You Hear About The Channel: YouTube

11. Not Including Our Toribash Shows, Which Are Your Favorite Shows Of Ours And Why: i like your happy wheels because they are funny and have a good amount of energy.

12. In your own words, explain why you think we should accept you: i like to improve moves, replays and have fun while doing it.