Original Post
Spammers/Trolls/talkies anonymous.
Hello, and welcome to Spammers/Trolls/talkies anonymous. Spammers/Trolls/talkies anonymous is a new org which will hopefully serve as a recovery program for people who suffer from the ailments of chronic Spamming, Trolling, and talkie..ing.

Not sure if you belong? Here are some tips to help you decide if you fit any of these categorys.

Spammers: Urban dictionay defines spam as

spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam...etc.

A Spammer is someone who constantly feels a need to post on any given topic, totally oblivious to the fact that their posts do not contribute. If it is a one word post, it is spam, or just a picture, or a link, or anything else that, for some reason, the poster feels is adiquite to post, even though simply stating their opinion would probably prove more effective.

Look at your post count, if it is above 1'000 and you haven't been here since the beginning, chances are you have spammed at least a few times.

Trolls: A troll is someone who posts simply to incite a reaction. The often post things akin to "I wnt to raep ur moms ded bodeh" in a thread where such things dont belong, i.e. a thread about lolcats or something.

Talkies: Talkies are people who feel that the best way to state speak their mind is by long winded diotrabs that they themselves would not take the time to read had someone else posted a message of similar length. If you have ever had someone respond to your a post of yours with tl;dr, then you may just be a talkie.


Mission Statement. Spammers/Trolls/talkies anonymous seeks to help such people work towards building better communication skills. We feel that all Spammers/Trolls/talkies are actually totally normal, rational people who simply lack the fundamental knowledge of how communication flows. We will not cater to dicks* but we will be here for those who want help.


The 9 Steps:
1. We admitted we were powerless over internets, that our posts had become illogical.

2. Came to believe that our posts could yet be made sensible.

3. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of our account history.

4. Admitted to Toribash, the Mods, and even to Hampa the exact nature of our wrongs.

5. Made a list of all persons we had flamed/ignored/trolled, and became willing to make amends to them all.

6. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would encourage stupidity or make us look like complete tools.

7. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it (maybe).

8. Sought through discussion to improve our communication skills.

9. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to others, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.

To join, simply say you would like to as I will do now. Stating your name, your problem, your post count, and if you visit any other forums, the names of those forums (do not tell us your account name on the other forums, just the name of the websight)

My name is Deady and I am a Spammer/Talkie. Regardless of the topic, I always feel a need to add my two cents, and often times me two cents is very long and boring. Sometimes though I am lazy and just say stupid shit, fully aware of its dumbassery even as I click "submit".
My post count is 2,118, and I have only been here one year.
This is the only forum I frequent.


** So what is a dick? A dick is anyone who feels it the need to spam this thread, it will be ignored and you may just move to a lower rung of hell than you are currently slated to reach.


In closing: I would like to encourage you to honestly look at your posts, and decide if you need our help. While this is all only about 25% SRS BUISNESS!!1, we also don't want this org to be something that everyone joins and no one does anything in.

Deady, Spammer/Talkie.

P.s. we will have no tag, and this org should not be sigged, the true trolls/spammers/talkies will most likely find it anyways.
Last edited by deady; Apr 11, 2009 at 05:48 AM.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.