Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
my new free pivot shop!!!!
i am getting quite fimiliar with pivot now so i am giving away some free pivot animations just post in your request for pivot animations and i will have a bash at making them as best and detailed as i can
if you are a noob at pivot a very helpful website would be ... www.droidz.org when posting in your requests make them as clear and detailed possible thankyou
Re: my new free pivot shop!!!!
could you make me a lil animaton that i can use it as avvy?

one person with sword who runs around and kills ppl
Re: my new free pivot shop!!!!
Testing - Make me one - One guy makes a few rocks appear . Then makes another person appear and magically throws the rocks at him
I strongly advise you NOT to click Here.
Re: my new free pivot shop!!!!
Originally Posted by Stalin
Originally Posted by blobylob2000
i know its not very good but is it ok so far

you know thats not good for an avvy
avvy is 100x100 and not that big as yours

no you newb
good work
(try to get crediz for your work ;))
Re: my new free pivot shop!!!!
Originally Posted by Thief
Testing - Make me one - One guy makes a few rocks appear . Then makes another person appear and magically throws the rocks at him

it will take me a while cos im grounded (i got into the compuetr room) also out of hand da jau vu lol
Re: my new free pivot shop!!!!
these anims are really choppy, but it doesnt matter because you giving them away free good work!