Original Post
Intrduce yourself! :3

who are you, where you from, what your fave thing 2 do, where you hide your cookies ect>>?

tell us everything!!
If your Mum calls you a son of a bitch, is it ok to tell her she's right?
One thing you guys need to know about me is that I am Strict.
I could be fun sometimes, but mostly strict.
I always go by the rules.
If you guys mess up on anything (Clan Related) I will infract you.
No questions, complaints, etc. If you got a warning from me, I suggest
you do what I say or actions will be taken.

I'm no happy, ecstatic fun guy. In fact, I am the opposite of it.

General NastyBish~
Last edited by NastyBish; Feb 16, 2011 at 09:29 AM.
Yea I loved the harry potter series was a good serius. Then I recomend the Magicians guild. just as good
If your Mum calls you a son of a bitch, is it ok to tell her she's right?