Original Post
So, we have a few Ukebots and stuff like that out there. Yes, they are cool, but most of them do not display pathological aggression; that is, the ability to pursue their target.

I have an idea for a script, which would make Uke or whoever your opponent is recognize where you are in relative to themselves, and from that information, they can select already made moves that enable them to move in that direction.
This would pretty much make your enemy pursue you. From that, fighting moves can be added as well.

If possible, someone could make it so that it analyzes replays and uses better moves from them.

Also, this is my first post. Hooray..
The amount of coding and time to make a script like that would be.. lots...
Plus lots of people have asked for scripts like this.
This would take insane amount of programming.. i doubt anyone on toribash even has the skills to do this.