Original Post
Sup, this is Imbalanced clan DSC etc

Teh Story:
In 149BC the Romans attacked Carthage. It was back in a time when battle was won or lost through skill and courage. The Greek heretics fought hard and battled harder still. It was a perfect stale mate with neither side making any ground. The carthaginians hide behind archimedes' new technology, a cowardly act yet effective against the well trained Roman infantry. The Carthaginians then employ the use of elephants to avoid the glory of close quarters battling. The romans were being pushed back with no light at the end of the tunnel. Desperate measures were required to turn this war around, the whole of the war for greece hung in the balance. The decision that was to follow was to change the future of Roma forever.
A group of the best fighters from all over the empire was to be formed, they were to be known as "imbalanced". These fighters were rouges from all races, gathered for an empire which would offer them the chance to battle. These warriors ranged from deep in the heart of Roma, to the far reaches of Russia. The elite fighting group of the world, even greek traitors. These imbalanced few were the ultimate fighting force, and the secret weapon of the Roman empire. These *insert number of members here* warriors would alone pit their skills against whole battalions of troops.
146BC Carthage fell and Greece was conquered finally. These imbalanced warriors were sanctioned for war crimes and marked as rogues. Exiled from the empire, these warriors became to powerful for their own good. Not seen ever again.....

Until now.

Credits to Erth for making the story :o

Clan Roster:
Simba Belt

Imba Belt

drunk belt

Custom Belt

Master Belt

10th Dan

I don't play Toribash-Belt

4th Dan

Black Belt

Teh Seekrit Member:
10th Dan

Imba Tourneys:
4bb Mix Fight 1st place 50k
Jeptourney wushu.tbm 1st place 4k
GMtourney jousting.tbm 1st place Maya Primary Gradient
Alphatourney aikido.tbm 2nd place 3k
Tarltourney valetudo.tbm 2nd place 4k

* * *
GMtourney aikido.tbm 1st place 7k
GMtourney greykido.tbm 1st place Juryo Relax
UnibashTourney greykido.tbm 1st place 7k
UniTourney judo.tbm 1st place 7k
Uniteam Tourney aikidobigdojo.tbm 2nd place 5k
UnibashTourney aikidobigdojo.tbm 2nd place 4k
Tarltourney greykido.tbm 2nd place 4k
GMtourney 2st ninjutsu.tbm + Aqua Torso
GMtourney 1st taekkyon.tbm + Amber Force
GMtourney 1st runkido.tbm + Noxious force
GMtourney 1st wushu3.tbm
1st GMtourney wooshu.tbm

* * *
GMTourney aikido.tbm 1st place 6k
GMTourney aikidobigdojo.tbm 1st place 6k
KristisTourney wushu.tbm 1st place 6k
Tarltourney aikido.tbm 2nd place 4k

* * *
Opener Challenge 26 ~ 1st
Opener Challenge 27 ~ 1st
Opener Challenge 28 ~ 1st
#1 ~Breytourney ~ aikido
#1 ~ GMtourney ~ g-mixfight.tbm
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ wushu(150mf, lol)
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ Taekkyon.tbm
Rutz's "Rutz in, you out" event ~ 1st
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ Aikido.tbm
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ Lenshu
#1 ~ GMtourney ~ Wushu3.tbm
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ Katanajousting
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ JudoFrac
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ steelpackage.tbm(with ninjutsu settings)
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ Aikido
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ taekwondo
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ aikido
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ 0gmanfemaikido
#1 ~ Gmtourney ~ aikido

* * *
Tarltourney - 1-st place - Mod: aikido - +6k
Breytourney - 2-nd place - Mod: wushu_pro - +4k
Andrztourney - 1-st place - ninjusu.tbm - +10k
Gmtourney - 2-nd place - aikido bd - +shaman force
GmTourney - rk-mma - 1st - +acid force
GmTourney - backwards aikidobigdojo - 1st - +Beetle Force
gmtourney - wushu_pro - 1st - +Copper Force

* * *
DrBear - #1 Vespesi3n tourney ::Aikido:: (8k)
DrBear - #1 Werd tourney ::betabox:: (10k)
DrBear - #1 Tourney by SlipAnc ~LightSabers4~ (6k)
DrBear - #1 Phail Tourney ~Wushu~ (8k)
DrBear - #1 Nirs Tourney ~RealJudo~ (6k)
DrBear - #3 Nabi Endurance Championships: Round 2 ~wushu/aikido/kickbox~ (15k)
DrBear - #1 Mantrain tourney ~sambo~ (6k)
DrBear - #1 Phail tourney ~aikido~ (8k)
DrBear - #1 SlipAnc tourney ~wushu~ (7k)
DrBear - #1 JePoY tourney ~obese (fat aikido)~ (7k)
DrBear - #1 SlipAnc tourney ~aikido~ (7k)
DrBear -#3 Nabi 24 HOUR endurance championships ~wushu/aikido/kickbox/judo~ (50k)
DrBear - #1 Onlymar tourney ~aikido~ (8k)
DrBear - #2 RayClovis tourney ~Breakthetable~ (4k)
DrBear - #1 Moop tourney ~instagibfeet~ (8k)
DrBear - #2 Phail tourney ~wushu~ (8k)
DrBear - #1 Fao tourney ~instagibfeet~ (8k)
DrBear - #1 Mega tourney ~kickbox~ (7k)
DrBear - #1 Stairways to Heaven ~8 different mods~ (150k)
DrBear - #1 Gamer tourney ~FatAikido~ (8k)
DrBear - #1 Kya tourney ~aikido~ (7k)
DrBear - #2 Jepoy tourney ~aikido~ (3k)
DrBear - #1 RedDevil tourney ~aikido~ (7k)
DrBear - #1-4 ToriAngels ~judo/aikido~ (100k promo-pack)
DrBear - #1 Odlov tourney ~hammers~ (7k)
DrBear - #1 Gubbin tourney ~wushu~ (8k)
DrBear - #1 Fed tourney ~Judo~ (8k)
DrBear - #2 Jepoy tourney ~sambo~ (3k)
DrBear - #2 Ray tourney ~jousting~ (4k)
DrBear - #2 Mega tourney ~skies~ (3k)
DrBear - #2 Jepoy tourney ~aikido~ (3k)
DrBear - #1 Kyat tourney ~aikido~ (16k)
DrBear - #1 Maldi tourney ~wushu~ (7k)
DrBear - #1 Jepoy tourney ~aikido~ (7k)
DrBear - #1 Maldi tourney ~wushu~ (7k)
DrBear - #1 DjBes tourney ~jousting~ (7k)
DrBear - #1 Jepoy tourney ~sumo~ (6k)*
DrBear - #1 Maldi tourney ~aikido~ (rutz doesnt care about money :P )
DrBear - #2 Jepoy tourney ~wushu~ (3k)
DrBear - #1 Tinerr tourney ~judo~ (6k)*
DrBear - #1 DjBes tourney ~aikido~ (6k)
DrBear - #1 Tinerr tourney ~aikido~ (6k)*
DrBear - #2 Tinerr tourney ~judofrac~ (3k)
DrBear - #1 Hobo tourney ~aikido~ (6k)*
DrBear - #2 Jepoy tourney ~aikido~ (3k)*
DrBear - #2 Kyat tourney ~aikido~ (3k)*
DrBear - #1 Nirs tourney ~aikido~ (6k)
DrBear - #1 Jepoy tourney ~judo~ (6k)*
DrBear - #1 Tinerr tourney ~taekkyon~ (6k)
DrBear - #1 DjBes tourney ~judofrac~ (6k)*
DrBear - #2 Nirs tourney ~aikidoBD~ (3k)*
DrBear - #2 Gynx tourney ~taekkyon~ (3k)
DrBear - #1 Gynx tourney ~judo~ (6k)*
DrBear - #1 Hampa tourney ~sambo~ (50k)*
DrBear - #2 Hobo tourney ~wushu~ (3k)
DrBear - #1 Nirs tourney ~valetudo~ (6k)
DrBear - #1 Burden tourney ~vinstagibcage~ (6k)
DrBear - #2 Tinerr tourney ~aikido~ (3k)
DrBear - #1 Drakhir tourney ~judo~ (6k)*
DrBear - #2 Nirs tourney ~rk_sambo~ (3k)
DrBear - #1 DjBes tourney ~judo~ (6k)
DrBear - #2 Nirs tourney ~rk_sambo~ (3k)*
DrBear - #1 Tinerr tourney ~greykido~ (6k)*
DrBear - #2 Burden tourney ~akidoBD~ (3k)*
DrBear - #2 Phail tourney ~akido~ (3k)*
DrBear - #1 Murm tourney ~judo~ (7k)*
DrBear - #1 Deady tourney ~kickbox~ (7k)*
DrBear - #1 Lambada tourney ~aikido~ (6k)*
DrBear - #2 Lambada tourney ~lenshu3~ (3k)*
DrBear - #1 Lambada tourney ~kickbox~ (6k)*
DrBear - #1 Toril (GK) tourney ::Aikido:: (6k)*
DrBear - #1 Alphasonik (GK) tourney ::Aikido:: (9k)*
DrBear - #1 Toril (GK) tourney ::Aikido:: (7k)
DrBear - #2 Mwah (GK) tourney ~aikido~ (5k)*
DrBear - #1 Brey (GK) tourney ~Valetudo~ (Noxious Force)
DrBear - #2 Brey (GK) tourney ~Lenshu3~ (Radioactive Ghost)
DrBear - #1 TheGrimReaper (GK) tourney ~aikido~ (5k)
DrBear - #1 Pulse (GM) tourney ~aikido~ (toxic torso)
DrBear - #1 Pulse (GM) tourney ~reverse tk~ (vampire ghost)
DrBear - #2 Pulse (GM) tourney ~jousting~ (gladiator force)

Clan Aim:
Veni vidi vici~

[Imba] is invite only, end of story.
Last edited by leyz; Jun 27, 2011 at 05:29 PM.
Good luck with your clan leyzor.
Looks pretty good so far.
Have fun etc.

Note: Looks like you failed to read the rules. According to new rules it should be [Tags] Name not [DSC] name.
~Rainbow Belt|[Tint]|Rank 32~
~GameMaster|BISH|GameGrad|ORMO|ToriPrime L-Mod~


Toribash World Championship 2011 Runner Up

<AlphasoniK> Kristis: What the fuck is wrong with you, rainbow loving panda freak.
Seriously, try to piss standing up for a change. No life girly pants dimwit.

хмм, если я не ошибаюсь, то умершие кланы оффом не становяться оффом
а так гц

[s] [tgs] [w] [dp]
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Юсб, Гангстеры тоже были умершими, стали же.
Удачи нам, да.
они офом не становились вроде

[s] [tgs] [w] [dp]
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion