Original Post
[HoMC] History of Misdemeanor Crime

A brief introduction...

Hello there friends, welcome to the brilliant and ethnically diverse clan of History of Misdemeanor Crime, or HoMC for short. No, we are not a group of fanatical hipsters, nor are we a clique of ill-informed African-American supremacists, but rather, an infamous group of underground rappers with a tainted criminal record.


Coming soon!

Clan Aim

To create a fun, culturally opulent environment for those who share similar ideals and interests to us.

Members List

Leader - pika
Leader - culapou
Member - assassin8r

Application Process

There are no concrete requirements in order to join HoMC, however, we are mostly a forum-based clan, and will require applicants to show a decent, steady rate of activity on the forums.

The Application:

We here at HoMC believe that a succinct free-based application would be best suited for this given process, however if you wish to create your own unique format to apply, we give you the go-ahead! Basically what we're looking for is basic details about yourself and why you wish to encumber yourself in our wonderful clan.


Join #homc to chat with any of the members or allies. Even if you aren't affiliated with the clan in any way socialize with us, we enjoy your company!

Clan Bank

Our clan bank is SexualChocolate, if you would like to donate to our bail, or future events and tournaments, that's the place to do it.

'Get Paid + Get Money'


MrDocSir - Medical physician
satiknee - seaman

If you have any questions or concerns regarding anything to do with HoMC, contact pika several times until he responds.

*one more note...

If you are ever in need of masturbating, Sunny has a great selection of gay porn on his computer and can deliver your requested homosexual fantasy within twenty-four hours of your order for no charge! Just provide him your email, social security number and a picture of your belly button to begin the deliver process. Happy fapping!
Last edited by SexualChocolate; Jun 27, 2011 at 08:28 AM.
Can I join? My name is william. ;o
I b 16 years young, and I am wearing pink boxers 'cos I'm cool.
I don't play ingame, although I am a 3rd dan blackbelt...
I am active in IRC and forums, as you know already.
I love pika.
That is all.

<pika> tell us about your homosexuality as well

I'm as straight as a roundabout.
Last edited by eightah; Jun 26, 2011 at 12:37 AM.
Wait, what
Originally Posted by assassin8r View Post
Can I join? My name is william. ;o
I b 16 years young, and I am wearing pink boxers 'cos I'm cool.
I don't play ingame, although I am a 3rd dan blackbelt...
I am active in IRC and forums, as you know already.
I love pika.
That is all.

<pika> tell us about your homosexuality as well

I'm as straight as a roundabout.

I accept this person as a clan member.
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
I accept this person as a clan member.

As do I.

Let us celebrate our new members' entrance into HoMC by taking a nice soapy bubble bath together!
Of course Doctor, we would always allow certified medical professionals to post and frolic in our clan board. Happy posting!
Yay. \o/
Lets all have sexy upstream spawning pool gay time with gay salmon.
Wait, what