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[MyLittle] Memberlist

Here you can find information about us in table.
Moreover, you can write short information about yourself in your post.
If you still not in table - tell us in post your skype, birthday and belt.
|   Nickname  | Birthday |        Skype        |    Belt   |        Rank         |
|     BFG     | 16/07/92 |       bfgeshka      |    10th   |        Luna         |
|   swetaros  | 07/05/99 |       saren112      |    4th    |   Queen Crysalis   |
|    1bcb3    | 05/09/97 |      corcats1       |    3rd    |     Vinyl Scratch   |
|    cj2men   | 10/12/98 |       cj2men1       |    3rd    |      Fluttershy     |
|     Zxan    | 24/04/98 |       zxannn        |   Black   |       Sparkler      |
|  fuzeboy23  | 23/01/98 |      fuzeboy23      |    4th    |       Cherilee      |
|  karolk666  | 27/11/98 |      jdpkarolk      |    2nd    |     Derpy Hooves    |
|    hush     | 05/01/95 |                     |    3rd    |      Cloudchaser    |
|    Jaiden   | 26/07/98 |                     |    9th    |  Twillight Sparkle  |
|  zenzen213  | 10/01/98 |     mike.blue20     |   Black   |        Spike        |
|   Arbalest  | 10/11/95 |    blind_arbalest   |   10th    |      Applejack      |
|  nathancash | -------- |                     |    2nd    |     Filthy Rich     |
|    Pony     | -------- |                     |   Black   |                     |
|  123urdead  | 15/01/95 |                     |    6th    |                     |
|    alajah   | 21/12/96 |                     |    2nd    |                     |
|   TMinster  | 04/12/99 |   alfonsofranco855  |   Brown   |                     |
|  Devouerer  | -------- |                     |   Blue    |                     |
|LonelyMonkey | 28/01/99 |   sebastiaanborers  |   4th     |                     |
Last edited by swetaros; Jan 6, 2013 at 11:34 AM.
^ω^ Kotyatki ║ OŁƉɅ ║ Ultimatum in my heart ║ ɅWSUM 8+ years ║ NɅƦKѠTIKI!
my birthday is 7/05/99 (I'm the youngest one here, haha) and i'm 4rd dan.

also, I believe hush had skype-login something like "john-whathasishaidsa"
my skype is like copy.plymyer or something but I never use it and I have like 10 skype accounts, so might as well not post it :P
My birthday is 26/7/1998
Been here since 09', Former Co-Lead of [MLP]. I'm here to stay. RIP to the lost brothers through the years, non of you're forgotten
bfg my birthday is 5/9/1997 ,i think this is right day/month/year
"and then the small boy left a small trail of urine as he hurried off into the sunset"~firebolty
First post updated
^ω^ Kotyatki ║ OŁƉɅ ║ Ultimatum in my heart ║ ɅWSUM 8+ years ║ NɅƦKѠTIKI!
Perhaps you guys should make an allies thread or something.
SpmSL | Deeza445 | Pidda | Hush | Butler | Mongius | Reta | Kamura | Sheik
SrCheetah: I fucked my hand badly once because of an asshole