Original Post
Free Tori Credits
Whenever I do the surveys for 1k TC a survey, I never get the TC... I also did a lot of other things for like 5k+ TC and I didn't get my reward? Why am I not getting any of the TC? It's only worked on 2 things so far out of the 20+ things I've done for the TC...

On topic: These surveys are all scams to get your phone number. They won't work.
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
I don't mean just the surveys, the things like download and install a flash game for 1000 TC, that the Toribash website claims that after install you WILL get the credits but I still haven't gotten them...
Holy tits I take it back! Just checked my credits and I have just randomly got 2k lol!
I would refrain from saying things like that if I were you. I see you are new, saying that sort of thing will easily get you an infraction.

I would refrain from backseat moderating if I were you.
~Fee (Ironic edit)
Last edited by Fee; Mar 9, 2013 at 05:44 PM.
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
Yes, they sometimes work but usually they don't. If you hit the little complain button on the surveys page and send the people making the surveys proof of completion of the requested survey they usually send tc.

and I'm also pretty sure that [email protected] will not be able to do anything about the surveys as each survey comes from a different company and toribash is not in charge of them.
Guys I'm confused too, do you get the tc before or after the part where you get scammed?
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
More than half the time it's a scam or worse. Very few of them work. Good luck finding them.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me