View Poll Results: What do we do with judofrac in CL 2020?
Add judofrac and replace on of last years mods
14 Votes / 17.50%
Don't add judofrac
43 Votes / 53.75%
Add judofrac to last years mod pool and make no other changes
23 Votes / 28.75%
Voters: 80. You may not vote on this poll
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CL 2020 Mod Poll

Hello everyone! Clan League is right around the corner, but, firstly I'd like to ask all of you looking to participate in CL 2020, to answer a quick little poll in order to help influence the mod selection for this year's iteration of CL.

Originally Posted by CL2019 modlist

Last edited by TyphoN; Jun 6, 2020 at 04:02 AM.
I don't see many advantages with kane's mod and rule set for boxshu.tbm, my first assumption was that the win point system would combat running, but in practice, all it did was switching which player runs.
In stead of wanting to run when you're ahead in points you now want to run if you're down a significant amount points to reset the game (similarly to going for a stalemate in chess when you're down material).
My conclusion is that effectively the only difference we'll see would be a lot more drawn games.
I guess that could be combated by having the points required to win on the lower end, but the issue then would be that, if you only need one or two good hits to win, it'd effectively just be boxshu_mushu

the win point system is a fun concept, it just doesn't work very well with wushu
Originally Posted by fred View Post
I don't see many advantages with kane's mod and rule set for boxshu.tbm, my first assumption was that the win point system would combat running, but in practice, all it did was switching which player runs.
In stead of wanting to run when you're ahead in points you now want to run if you're down a significant amount points to reset the game (similarly to going for a stalemate in chess when you're down material).
My conclusion is that effectively the only difference we'll see would be a lot more drawn games.
I guess that could be combated by having the points required to win on the lower end, but the issue then would be that, if you only need one or two good hits to win, it'd effectively just be boxshu_mushu

the win point system is a fun concept, it just doesn't work very well with wushu

couple things:

This whole post doesnt realise that the drawrule when the winpointlimit is not reached has not been implemented yet.

I made a suggestion for that a second time but there was no reply whatsoever from a staff member.

I dont believe this will get implemented in TB 1.0 since all the devwork is focused on TBNext now,as it should be.I hope the winpoint gamerules will be fully implemented there.

You are correct that there could potentially be a lot more draws with the winpoints but,assuming there would be "unlimited" matchframes, you cant run forever even in boxshu.tbm.You could run forever in wushu.tbm without any form of dojo /box tho.

Imo , from all the common mods,the winpoints work best with lenshu3ng.tbm and if you are thinking about adding the winpoints in this cl i woul d advise to use them in lenshu.
The ring in lenshu is small enough to discourage running massivly and is even counterproductive ,in most situations, for the player with less points.

On the other hand , i advise to not use the winpoints at all in this cl because it would be a change without any leadtime and a lot of people wouldnt be acustomed to it.

Btw, i always wondered why the poll for mods for cl (and the format of cl maybe too) is always disccused ,more or less, right before cl starts.
Imo it would be best that a poll for clmods(and format maybe) would be right after a cl ends and the mods for the cl next year should be decided then and then publicrooms with exact these mods should be created so that people have a year of time to acustom themselves with the mods.
Last edited by Kane; Jun 22, 2020 at 08:37 PM.