Original Post
Twist Kick formula
While it doesn't have to be exactly this, this is how I do my twist kicks

210 distance
hold all
Contract left pec
Extend rigth pec
raise shoulders
rigth rotate chest
extend glutes
extend ankles
contract knees
extend left hip
Contract right hip
right bending lumbar
Contract abs.

Space x3
extend knee.

Basic, but it's pretty cool. Now I usually relax my neck and extend my elbows and wrists, then do something with my elbows, shoulders, and lumbar at the kick part. But I didn't want this to be super complicated or to seem uneditable. So here's the power of twist kicks. Of course I changed a little but it is still the basic idea, justa little tweaking. As you can see, they can dish out quite a bit of damage it one kick!
Last edited by B-rad; Apr 13, 2008 at 03:41 AM.
All knowing
Re: Twist Kick formula
Nice move, and nice replays too. +karma! Here are two adaptations of this I made: the first is a cleanish decap, and the second is an arm removal from the left armpit (just watch it).
Attached Files
Cleanishdecap.rpl (31.5 KB, 25 views)
armpit_smash.rpl (39.2 KB, 19 views)