Weekend Bash
Looks just like Doom's replays, so its really just basic. Doom's replays and yours are basically just the same things over and over again you've seen one you've seen them all.
Originally Posted by Mioxi View Post
Looks just like Doom's replays, so its really just basic. Doom's replays and yours are basically just the same things over and over again you've seen one you've seen them all.

Wow, I took offense, looks like you don't watch my replays after all.

Very nice Mani man! Sort those knees though, you seem to contract and extend a lot.
Hit was alright, seems a little bit of a cluster fuck to me.
Opener was sexy and so was the transition, just work on your kick-ie spins more.
I can definitely see improvement! (Unlike Mioxi)
Originally Posted by DOOM View Post
Wow, I took offense, looks like you don't watch my replays after all.

Very nice Mani man! Sort those knees though, you seem to contract and extend a lot.
Hit was alright, seems a little bit of a cluster fuck to me.
Opener was sexy and so was the transition, just work on your kick-ie spins more.
I can definitely see improvement! (Unlike Mioxi)

I watch them a lot and their all the same.
I don't know how you and everyone else manage to get such lovely hits off of these unorthodox openers, but i love them. This opener sequence especially is pretty damn wild if I say so myself. Lovely boom on the first kick too. I dig it!
digging that opener speed and leg movement is craycray.
double leg I came
don't like you touching him wth your leg that much on the way back, does nothing and looks messy
after that shit got real messy,but that chest boom was pretty good
also like the "manip part" with your arm. You're good.
Giving a "hand" for skeets.
youve progressed so much since last time before i took a break ur movement is good and fancy but woek with it u still got some ugly twitches dms were fine but with that speed you couldve done better work more and you will get there one day ;)
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
Great replay's Manitoda, the flow was great. Dawn of the descendants had a weird opener but unique i must add, good job
I remember when you used to be a crippled fish now your moving on to big things in the replay however I don't like when you kick and then automatically hold your knee maybe we should colab sometime
gunna cnc decreased conginuity.

startup was bleh, your twitched big time into your opener. but once that stopped, you flowed into your movement really well. Loving the raw speed you accumulate in less than a second. I wish you had done a little more faf though (setup). I wouldve loved to see more spins and twists before you got into the manip portion of it. The manip was good, very nice control of uke, but it felt too short, yet again. Your dm's to finish it off were great, but you couldve done more. the skeet at the very end was really nice, but it felt a little fumbled. try getting your skeet in one shot, instead of coming forward with your elbow too soon. Pose was solid, and your movement is really fluid. Im liking your shit. Good 7/10