Weekend Bash
Original Post
New Command.
I think a command to allow you spec after a match will be of some use. Especially in Ranked and duels. Sometimes, you have to leave early during ranked. Imagine being able to leave with out losing elo.

Small suggestion.
|Free Agent|

So you mean you use /spectate as normal spectating, and "/PassiveSpectating" as a spectating mode for still keeping all your stats active, like match numbers and elo?
Necrobumping Elite Master - ps dont tell Fred
jag såg de där https://gyazo.com/2bb5d1c33d72abf6549b5558c54c9fa8
you mean something where you queue up a /spec command to trigger once the match ends, would be neat like that cuz it would stop ppl from getting locked into duels cuz the replay skips. if u spec first turn of ranked i dont think u lose elo anyway

/spec - normal spectate, instant
/spec2 - can be used during match, will spec u after the match
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Love the sound of this, but please don't make it /spec2. Just to avoid people accidentally speccing when they meant to do the passive spec
ishi - "I'm Hampa's Bitch Slappin' Hand"
I'm so proud Sparky