Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
(Origin) Origin

Back when it all began. Time.... Space...Everything. It began with us. We who have forged ourselves through countless hardships and millenniums. It started with the legends, and now it is upon us. We are forever seeking the truth, care to join us?

  • Respect to be respected
  • Racism or hate speech isn't tolerated
  • Don't flame
  • No immature behaviour
  • No power abuse
  • Don't double post if it isn't needed
  • Avoid short/spam posts (lol/xD/eh etc.)
  • Whenever you are inactive for a certain period of time, post it here.

If you don't follow these rules you'll receive a warning that can result in a kick if repeatedly ignored.

We promote respect and sportsmanship between players, this is Origin and what we believe in. Toxic behaviour will be punished.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact one of the clan leaders via PM.

Clan bank: OriginBank

  • 5 members [x] July 21, 2018
  • 10 members [x] August 24, 2018
  • 25 members []
  • 50 members []
  • Top 100 on the clan list [x] August 1, 2018
  • Top 50 on the clan list [x] October 17,2018
  • Top 25 on the clan list [x] November 2,2018
  • Top 10 on the clan list []
  • Top 5 on the clan list []
  • Regain official status []


Do you want to join us in the journey to become official again and get back our clan's rightful place? Visit this thread for more information!

Last edited by WeppetKo; Nov 24, 2018 at 10:56 AM.
Hello, I realize that you guys do not have a recruitment thread up yet and I would like to join you guys.
Turning over a new leaf!
Hey Raven, I'm just in the process of typing one out, if you're keen feel free to send me a free-form application of anything you believe we need to know. Cheers!
Originally Posted by Raven View Post
I would like to talk with you guys before hand though.

Sure, I'll be ingame in a couple of hours if you have time. Though I notice that you are in a clan, so we can't accept an application from you at the moment.
Last edited by WeppetKo; Jul 21, 2018 at 08:29 PM.
I talked with redd, and I explained a certain situation and the result of that conversation ended up me deciding not to join. Which is why you see me in another clan now.
Turning over a new leaf!
Originally Posted by Raven View Post
I talked with redd, and I explained a certain situation and the result of that conversation ended up me deciding not to join. Which is why you see me in another clan now.

Ok, no problem. I hope to find you ingame sometimes to play some games.
Well this is merely the beginning, welcome all who bask in this moment with us! The memories this clan has made and will continue to make upon this fine game!
good luck guys i sure do miss the old origin
Discord: Elmindreda#5289
in defense of Aeon, at least no one else is going to make the same mistake again.

hi icky
sup cunt :salute:
wait how long have you been here?