Original Post
Too many alts in beginner lobbies?
This is a semi serious debate but not enough to be in debate section. So, I am here to talk about alts and how they effect the future of TB. I know that having an alt is not bad and all but there are too many that are used for unnecessary uses, for example tc farming and trolling newbies. I can get why your doing it and that it is not against the rules, but the reason that were losing players is because were are not gaining any because of getting rekt in the beginner lobbies. We have always been losing players, but we would always gain new ones if they weren't harassed on there first time in multiplayer. Nowadays, new almost all of the new players are quitting the game early because they dont stand a chance. I know that might not be accurate but we still shouldnt be losing players because other players dont let the feel what its like to be victorious and able to buy items they've been saving up for. New players that always lose and lose never get to experience the full extent of the game, thus having the consider this to be a "bad" game and not playing it online anymore. I honestly have no idea what we can do about it so that is up for debate.

Blah blah blah, too many alts rekting scrubs, blah blah blah, scrubs quit when get rekt, blah blah blah, what to do about it?
Yeah i see how alts can be a legitimate problem for the game but i think it can be solved by making newer people aware that there is a way to report people via the forums which solves the trolling problem
Farming tc isn't really i problem because the ammount of tc you make is so small
And facing opponents that are better makes you better at the game quicker and if they decide tgat since they lost a few matches they're never going to play again i doubt they would get very far in this community
10:22 AM <cocacobra> honestly tll was cool at first
10:22 AM <cocacobra> but now everyones kinda cunty
hmm i get your point.. but not everyone here is very ambitious, they could be for a while but they will eventually quit even if its for a day of if they are taking a break, from my experience, most people that play the game for a few hours then take a break usually forget about the game

also, from self experience, there are many games you play and forget about quickly, especially if there arent much things to strive for other than belt. these kinds of games get forgotten really quickly so having the multiplayer being too hard for first timers dont really help out the situations
The only way that i can think of to solve that problem is to push people newer toward the forums and show them more about this community since half of the fun of this game be found in the forums other than that i can't see much change happening since it's been this way forever and there is still a active community of people who are playing
10:22 AM <cocacobra> honestly tll was cool at first
10:22 AM <cocacobra> but now everyones kinda cunty
i never got why after someone got a high belt
(witch might take more than 2-3 years for some),
why to bother making alts just to harass new players,i mean
i really enjoy it when i join a server and people that i have
never seen or meet are going like
"wow,first time seen a custom belt" or "what is this,drunken master belt?"

i mean you spend all this time reaching the top
only to go beat newcomers? (and pretending at the same time you are yourself a newcomer)

on the other hand,there are times that i join a public server and the newcomers are like
"go away,go play to a pro server" this might be an issue since there are no more
black belt+ servers,perhaps if there was pro servers the pro players would join those instead?
Last edited by nikosefs; Apr 6, 2016 at 03:27 PM.
From going into beginner rooms pretty frequently while I was a GM I can tell you, there are a shocking amount of alts noob stomping, especially in abd.

I think the ES should take a more active role in banning or warning people who do this. To make it clear Im not bashing them for not doing this already but I really think they should
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Yes, it is

and I have given bans for it in the past - it isnt always enforced though and where possible its better to just tell them to leave and they usually do. You only need to ban them if theyre stubborn as shit and keep joining different beginner servers after being banned from one
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.