The Hug Monster Technique
I call this the Hug Monster technique as what is left of the opponents upper torso looks like the wird Hug Monster from the weird Cuppa Soup adverts that used to be shown. This is only really useful for single player.
Match Frames: 500
Turn Frames: 10
Engage Distance: 100
All Relaxed
Contract Knees
Space x2
Hold all
Extend Knees
Contract Pecs
Set Hands to Grab
Space x8 (To get to the top of the resulting jumpishthing)
Lower Shoulders
Contract Hips
Contract Knees
Space x2
Extend Knees (Ouch)
Space x2
Raise Shoulders
Extend Hips
Space x4
Contract Hips
Space x6
Lower Shoulders
Space x4
Contract Knees
Space x2
Entend Knees
Space x4
Ungrip Hands
Space x6
Raise Shoulders
Space x7
Extend Neck
Extend Hips
(Maybe Extend Pecs for better landing?)
What this does is split the torso cleanly in 2 with you holding the upper half, then slamming the upper torso down causing a decap, then throwing the resulting hug monster-like upper torso into the air and landing safely. Feedback i more than welcome, and tell me if it doesn't work.
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