Original Post
(Trick) Trick


Alliance Request + Good Luck Posts are BANNED
Any posts that don't abide by the rules stated in the original post or meet the standard of the official clan discussion rules will be reported.

* Don't request ally posts, "Good Luck" Posts, and "Banner Request Post's"
* Make your posts relevant to the current conversation
* Please make your posts contain grammatical correct content.
* Posts that break any of the rules above will be warned and deleted.

Official Clan Discussion Rules


Official IRC Guide

Recruitment Thread

Won = 9
Lost = 3

War History

(D) Diamonds

Each member will have their art displayed here, and also clan grounds, armbands ect. will be displayed in this section as well.

Each member will be able to showcase their best replays in this section.
Last edited by Swaves; Apr 23, 2014 at 01:38 PM.
When I was with [Trick], Trocher3 and Fluz decided to quit and join other clans (Trocher3 joined [M], and Fluz joined [u])
Then "Master" proposed a clan merge with [S], I thought it would be beneficial would both clans, but I didn't really get along with some of the members and some where complaining that master sent threatening messages to my members because they weren't active enough. I decided to quit and remake [Trick], but the old toriclan was using the old thread so I decided to make a new one.
Well, I think he shouldn't have let it die in the first place.

At least he is bringing it back.

It's cool to see it back up, if you need members I am available but I am not very well liked so I will understand if you don't want me to join.
Thanks Xec.
I will try my best to get [Trick] official and become a nice friendly clan.

@Enzo - Can you please try to keep some content in your posts and remember to use proper grammar, the thread should be neat and tidy for when we apply to official

@Xec. Why do you keep getting banned? I would definitely invite you if you get your main unbanned but I don't really want you to get instabanned as soon as you join.
Last edited by Swaves; Apr 20, 2014 at 08:31 AM.
I won't sir.
I have failed to many times and made bad decisions, I won't let it happen this time.
That's good, I am actually excited to see this clan rise up.

Good luck man.

I know you probably don't want anymore invades so, I won't post anymore.
I don't have any problem with you posting, I like talking to people and having conversations, feel free to post here as often as you wish.